A Little Closer

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"Roo baby, I'm so sorry. Something came up and I just couldn't leave the office. They needed me."

"It's alright, Mike." Roo softly murmured into the phone, pressing it against her shoulder as she proceeded to cut up some apple chunks before slipping them into a plastic bag. Since she had to be up and early tomorrow morning, she had to prepare her breakfast if she didn't want to starve along the way, "I understand."

"No babe, really. I wanna make it up to you." Mike let out a soft sigh. She knew, without looking at him, that he was probably raking his fingers through his dark gelled-up hair, "what about this weekend? I can pay to arrange for flight tickets to be changed. They can't really say no when I'm the one who sponsors them. Partly anyway."

"I don't know Mike," what with the mission and everything that was going on, it was impossible to tell when she'd actually have some free time to spare. She didn't want to make any promises she couldn't keep, especially when her life was at stake. All of their lives were at this point.

"Come on. Can't you take your time off? Tell them it's your honeymoon or something."

Roo chuckled, "I can't."

They said their goodbyes, Mike grumbling softly about her being more of a career woman and neglecting her love life, which she promised to make up to him in return while lying that it was busy season this time of year. Placing her phone back in the receiver, Roo let out a soft sigh. She had enough on her plate to deal with as it was, but putting Mike into the equation just made things harder. She didn't want to be one of the those girlfriends that were too focused on their careers to actually make time for their boyfriend, but there were much more important issues to deal with at this very moment. Issues that could cost them their lives if they weren't careful.

As she crawled underneath the bed sheets and settled down on her pillow, she bit her lip at the thought of tomorrow, apprehension and worry causing her nerves to twist and turn as scenarios flashed through her eyes, outcomes of the worst, most horrible possibilities. She squeezed her eyes shut and attempted to sleep, even when she knew it would be useless.

I just hope we'll be okay, she thought to herself as if that could somehow transform into a prayer that would keep them safe from harm, so many people had died already, and she couldn't stand the thought of more lives being lost.


Cameron Diamend had lived in Italy, born and fully-bred as an Italian with a loud, noisy family made up of numerous siblings, an assortment of cousins and bustling aunts that always dropped by his place for tea and cookies. It wasn't until Cameron received his acceptance letter to Beauxbatons that the Diamends closed off, pushed him away and acted as though he had the plague. He moved to France since then and married one of his former classmates, becoming an auror for the French Ministry of Magic and bringing to the world two beautiful daughters who were, much to their parents' surprise, very much normal and without any sense of magic in their bones.

His disappearance with the Philosopher's Stone a few years back had caused a riot in the magic world, but when he was caught and searched thoroughly, they declared him to be innocent. His trial ended with a mere warning since they had no evidence stacked against him, and for a while, he had disappeared straight off the map, his wife and daughters keeping their lips sealed about his whereabouts.

It wasn't until the beginning of the year that Cameron Diamend had been last seen in Italy, stating that it was for a family reunion of some sort. Somehow though, the information didn't seem to add up in Roo's head, and as she tapped her fingers against the paper in thought, she wondered whether the Philosopher's Stone had to do with something concerning his Italian family before their feud.

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