Sunday In Brooklyn

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Peter asked Tony from the backseat. Even though he is fifteen years older, older than the limit, Tony still made him sit in the backseat. Something about his safety for whatever. Peter wasn't even paying attention, he was too busy rolling his eyes and arguing.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Tony asked. He glanced at the kid from the rear view mirror. Was he hurting form this? Was he going to have a panic attack? "Are you... are you not ready?"

Honestly, Peter didn't even think of that. He hasn't thought of Aunt May all morning. He suddenly felt really guilty.

"What? Oh... no. No. I mean you just passed out," Tony shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Kid, I'm Tony freaking Stark. You think that's as my first time passing out? You think that I can't handle that?" He smiled as he saw Peter straightened up. Kid takes everything so seriously.

"No! I mean I just want you to be... safe."

Tony's smile fell off of his face. He couldn't believe he had to go through that so young.

"I can handle myself." He didn't mean to sound so rude. Just when he was shocked, vulnerable, he turned to arguments. That's mostly what happened with Steve, he didn't want to talk about it because it made him sad.

"I know... I'm- I'm sorry." He felt so bad. What did he mean? Of course Tony could handle himself. He was just embarrassing himself. He didn't need some kid following him around and being annoying.

"Don't be sorry."

The rest of the ride was silent. Times like these he wished he had his phone. But he also didn't want to seem rude. Would that be rude? Going on his phone? Why was he even worrying about this. He didn't even have his phone.

"We're almost there," Tony said as he went into the right lane. He went into the exit off of the highway. He only drove for less than a minute before he turned into a breakfast place.

Sunday In Brooklyn

Peter's never heard of this place. He opened the car door and got out. The place looked packed. There was at least an hour wait.

"This seems very busy, Mr. Stark." Tony shot him a look. Peter couldn't tell if he was talking about him calling him Mr. Stark or it was about him saying it was busy.

"You think I'd just show up at a random place with no reservation?"

"I don't know. As you said, you're 'Tony Freaking Stark' so do you need a reservation? You seem like you'd just walk in."

Tony furrowed his eyebrows gave him a look that said 'your kidding right?'

Tony broke out into a smile.

"I probably could, but don't do that again." Tony brought up his hand and ruffled Peter's hair. Peter laughed but swatted Tony's hand away.

"Ahh! Stop," he tried to pay his hair down and tame it, but it was no use. His hair was so curly and now that Tony messed it up it was no use. "Tony! You just messed up my hair." He pouted. Tony just laughed again.

He opened the door and held it open for Peter.

"Thanks," He said as he walked in. Tony smiled and walked in after. They walked up to the front counter.

"Hi. I have a reservation for two under Tony." The girl smiled and nodded.

"Just give me one second..." she said as she typed away on her computer. She then stopped typing and slowly looked back up at them. "Oh my god. Oh my god! You're Tony Stark!"

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