13. We didn't fight evil, but we had tea

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Frank's P.O.V.

You know in all those movies and books where people describe it to be perfect waking up next to their girlfriend/boyfriend? Yeah, well, they don't go into enough detail about the butterflies that appear in your stomach when you see them laying next to you, or the safe feeling you get, just being around them.
But mostly, they never mention how much you need to pee, but you can't go, because you have a sleeping human curled up against you.
Y/N shuffled next to me, but when I tried to slip out of bed, she grabbed onto my tee like her life depended on it.

"Warm." She muttered, not even fully conscious. I rolled my eyes and dried to detach myself, trying my best not to pee myself.

"Y/N, sweetheart, I've really got to go to the toilet." I whined and she cracked an eye open. It took her a few seconds, before her cheeks reddened and she let go.

"Sorry." She whispered and I smiled a little, before rushing off to do my business. The house was silent and I knew the others were still asleep and Gerard's parents had already left for work, meaning we practically had the place to ourselves.
I walked back into the room, to see Y/N sitting up in her bed, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning." I laid back down and Y/N put her head on my chest. I don't know why, but I began to run my fingers through her hair and she practically leaned into my touch.
"What time is it?" I asked, feeling too lazy to find my phone, whereas Y/N's was in her hands.

"A little after 7." Y/N yawned and I nodded.

"Get some more sleep, if you're tired, sweetheart." I said and she shook her head, no.
"You're too adorable."

"Please don't tell me you're one of those guys who get in a relationship and within 3 days you're deeply in love and already planning your wedding?" She asked and I laughed.

"Do I look like one of those guys?" I asked and she shrugged.
"Y/N, I don't even know what I'm having for dinner. If you think I have the energy to plan a wedding then you don't even know me." We both laughed a little and Y/N let out another yawn.

"Is anyone else awake?" I shook my head, no.
"So are we going to talk about it?"


"The fact that you got jealous of Josh." I choked on air.

"I wasn't jealous." I said and she raised an eyebrow.
"I wasn't. But we had practically been making out all day and then you were hugging him and sitting on his lap and-"

"Jealous." She smirked and I sighed.

"Yeah." I mumbled and she kissed me softly, before hiding her face in my chest and saying something I couldn't understand.

"I like you too." She said a little more clearly and I froze. I never said I liked her, but I did. I liked her a lot.
I kissed her head and pulled her closer.

"Shut up."


Y/N's P.O.V. 

"So are you two together?" Mikey asked awkwardly and the 5 boys looked at us.

"We're sat together?" I suggested and Frank ignored the question, eating his breakfast.

"Mikey, just shut up and eat. We're going to be late." Gerard complained and Tyler yawned.

"We've got to get going guys, thanks for letting us stay over." He muttered and Josh appeared.

"Bye Y/N, Bye guys." Josh hugged me from behind and we all simultaneously said 'Bye' as they left.

"We're going to be late." Ray sighed, putting his empty bowl in the sink.

"Dibs on taking Y/N!" Gerard yelled and we all looked at him.
"What? I need to talk to her, especially if she's dating my Frankie."

"Fuck off, Gerard." Frank groaned and I jumped up.

"Come on then, Gee. Can't be late." Gerard jumped up and grabbed his keys as we left.
"So, are you going to give me the protective brother lecture?" I asked in amusement as I got into the car.

"Meh, I mostly said that to piss off Frank." Gerard shrugged, starting the engine.
"But seriously, he's not been in many relationships, but he's fucking loyal, so don't break his trust."

"You say that like you think I've been in loads of relationships. I've had a grand total of two and Frank is the second. I'm not a complete bitch, I won't cheat, why would I?"

"Good. Frank does this thing where he likes to bottle everything up and it's fucking scary when he explodes. He's been under a lot of stress recently and yeah, it's kind of my fault, but something like that might make him snap."

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