35. Bullies drink Loserjuice

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I know Mikey doesn't play acoustic but shh

Y/N's P.O.V.

It's been three days. I've barely moved from Mikey's couch, barely eaten or slept and deep down, I knew I was taking this too hard. I was overreacting and I hated myself for it.
Mikey was trying to get me to eat or drink something, so was Ray, Gerard and even Lyndsey. I hadn't heard anything from Frank. Apparently no one had.
Ray told me that after I left they ended the party early, Frank went home and I felt so guilty.
My stupid jealousy ruined a kids' birthday party.

"Y/N, please talk to me." Mikey said softly and I blinked a few times, trying to figure out when he sat down.
"What do you want to do? You can't just sit there forever. You're going to get sick if you don't eat or sleep soon." 

"Can I get a shower and maybe something small to eat?" I asked and his eyes lit up. My voice was a little scratchy from not talking in a few days and not drinking anything.

"Yeah, of course. I've probably got something you can change into, too." Mikey smiled.
"You know where the bathroom is, I'll leave clothes in the spare room and make you something to eat."

"Thank you, Mikey." He nodded his head and I stood up, pushing past the dizziness and bright colours.
I went to the bathroom, locked the door and stripped the dirty clothes from my body, cringing as I did so. I turned on the shower and got in, instantly feeling better.
I washed the dirt and grease from my hair and body, before getting out and wrapping myself in a towel. I quickly moved from the bathroom to the spare bedroom, where Mikey had laid out some clothes and left a sandwich and a glass of water on the bedside table.

"You're looking better already." He smiled softly as I placed my pots in the dishwasher.

"Feeling it, Mikes." I flashed him a smile. He looked a little surprised and in all honesty I was really trying with the whole 'fake it till you make it' thing.

"Wow, okay, umm, do you need anything?" He asked and I nodded.

"Can you go and check on Frank? It's bad enough I ruined the twins' party and I doubt he's in a better state than I was." Mikey looked at me in disbelief.

"You didn't do anything wrong." He argued.
"Frank was being an ass and-"

"Mikey, I need to think and I can't do that if I'm worried about Frank. Jamia is still technically his wife and I can't be mad at him for choosing her over me." I lied. Yeah, I was pissed at him for leading me on then kissing her, but I wasn't going to tell Mikey that. However, I was worried about Frank.

"Fine, I'll go. Will you be okay here?" I nodded my head and Mikey sighed.
"You're something else, Y/N. Really, if I were you, I'd want nothing to do with him."

"What can I say? I'm just too great." Mikey laughed and kissed my head in a brotherly fashion.

"I won't be too long." Mikey said, before leaving. I let out a sigh as soon as the door closed, going back to the spare room and taking my phone off of charge. I then left the room and slowly opened Mikey's bedroom door. I knew he wasn't here, but I still wanted to be careful. I picked up his acoustic guitar and left the room. I went back to the couch, sitting down and setting up the camera on my phone.

"Here we go..." I muttered under my breath as I began to play.

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