24. Straight up pickle in a mf can

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Ew. I don't even know what this is

Y/N's P.O.V. 

"Do you have everything?" Zara asked and I nodded my head. None of this felt real. I was leaving the only home I had ever known.
"Well then I guess you should say goodbye. We need to leave in the next half hour, our plane leaves in 2 hours and I want to make sure we're there a little early."

"Thanks." I muttered and walked back into my house, finding the whole gang there.
Pretty much everyone I had interacted with that I could tolerate. Pete hugged me as soon as I walked in.

"I don't want you to go." He muttered.

"I know." I squeezed him.
They all took turns hugging me, wishing me luck, Frank hung back until last however.

"Urielectric studios will miss ya, Y/N." Brendon joked, but I saw the tear in his eye. He went and hugged Sarah, as Frank engulfed me in a hug.

"England will be good for you. You'll do so much better there." There was doubt in his voice.

"Are you trying to convince me or you?" I muttered and he kissed me softly, before letting go. He took my hand in his and brought my tattooed wrist up to his lips, kissing it gently.
"I'm going to miss you too, Frankie. It's not forever."


It felt like forever.
I had been in England for 3 weeks and it seemed like nothing compared to the time I spent with Frank and all my real friends.
School was shit.
Everyone wanted to be my friend because I was the 'cool American girl' who was also 'kinda hot'. Or they hated me for being different, for liking bands they had never heard of and not being your stereotypical American.
I was just greatful I could go back to Zara's house and she wouldn't question it when I would grab some food, her dog and lock myself in my room to face time someone who seemed real.
But lately, reality was being a bitch, but maybe it was just my friends. They had stopped messaging me back, I had argued with Brendon and Frank stopped answering my calls.

"Y/N?" Zara asked and I looked at her.
"It's been 3 weeks, how're you feeling?"

"Great, just miss home I guess." I lied and forced a smile. She nodded and turned back to whatever TV gameshow she was watching as I retreated back to my room.


I'm 18.
I can leave.
I can go back home.
But did I want to?
My 'friends' wouldn't be there.
Yeah, I had heard the news, seen the videos and listened to the radio. My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco were becoming big bands, who were only going to get bigger and better. And all of them contained a bunch of boys who were all dorks.


"Happy, 25th Birthday, Y/N!" My aunt grinned.

"Thanks." I shrugged, not feeling all that excited.

"I've got a surprise, Y/N." Zara grinned and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"I know you don't like big crowds of people and stuff, but my friend works at the arena and she got us tickets to see these bands. It's a pretty big event as these three have never actually been at one concert together."

"What bands?" I asked with a sigh.
She looked like she was really concentrating.

"Fall Out Boys, Panic! At The Party and My Chemically Romantic or something like that. They're all backstage passes too and-"

"You're shitting me, right?" I asked and she looked at me in confusion.
"When is it?"

"Tonight, do you want to go?"


To say that I was nervous was an understatement. We had arrived to the concert around an hour early and as soon as we got there a security guard asked to see our tickets.

"Funny story, apparently I only remembered one ticket." Zara muttered and I looked at her in disbelief.
"You'll just have to go in without me, Y/N." She shrugged.

"You can't just leave me here!" I panicked and she gave me a small smile.

"Trust me, you'll be fine." She left and I gave the security guard a small awkward smile as he let me through.
I walked through and it was already pretty busy. I began to panic, before a hand rested on my shoulder.

"Hey, Y/N, it's been a while." Patrick muttered and I looked at him in disbelief. He had a small smile on his face and a stupid ass fedora on his head.
I jumped into his arms, wrapping him in a hug. He laughed and hugged me back.
"I'm really glad you came, we've been planning this for ages and we missed you."

"N-No. No, you don't get to say that." I said angrily, breaking the hug.
"You're the ones that stopped answering calls and messages. You're not the ones who had to move fucking countries where you knew no one."

"Y/N, we really are sorry." Patrick said and I shook my head.

"I don't even know why I came. I knew it was a bad idea." I tried to leave, but Patrick grabbed my arm.

"No, you can't go, please." He begged and I noticed the tears in his eyes.
"Please. We can talk afterwards, you have a backstage pass, right?"

"Yeah. Why don't you give it to some lucky fan who's going to stick around." I spat.

"Y/N?" Another voice asked and I looked at him, not even recognising him at first.

"Mikey?" He nodded and I let out a shaky sigh.

"Stay for the concert, if you don't want to stay for the backstage part, then don't. We can't make you." I was stuck. I really wanted to stay, see everyone again, but at the same time, I didn't think I could.

"Y/N, stuff happened, we didn't mean to fall out of contact." Mikey said.
"We just didn't want to barge back into your life and ruin the good." I almost scoffed, but then I remembered the floods of lies I told them. All the 'yeah, I've made loads of friends' and 'I'm going out with friends'. The lies I told so they wouldn't feel guilty about wanting me to go and mr having an awful time.

"I'll stay." I sighed and both of their eyes lit up.
"But we need to talk afterwards."

"Yeah, of course." Patrick grinned.
"Right, now, we have to go and set up."

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