30. Fair enough Cheerios

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Yo, have some smut but not really

I'm updating a lot, but it's cause I'm procrastinating so ugh

Y/N's P.O.V.

I woke up to fingers running through my hair as someone behind me hummed. My mind was still fuzzy with sleep and it took me a second to remember the events of last night- early this morning.

"Morning, sweetheart." Frank said from behind me, stopping playing with my hair. I muttered something even I didn't understand as I rolled over and curled into him. He laughed a little as I hid my face in the crook of his neck.

"5 more minutes." I muttered against his neck and he shivered. It took me a second to realise I probably shouldn't have done that. Even when we dated years ago, just putting a small kiss to his neck practically turned him on. Frank's hand trailed down my side, before slipping onto the small of my back and pulling me impossibly close.
"Frank-" I muttered, before biting down on my lip. He let out a low groan.

"Y/N, fuck- You can't do that to me. Not unless..." He moved his head back a little, making eye contact with me, before closing the gap and crashing his lips against mine. On instinct, I kissed back and I felt a very noticeable bulge against my hip. Frank broke the kiss and we were both breathing heavily, before he attacked my neck with sloppy kisses and bites.

"Frank... the others." I moaned as he started sucking on my sweet spot.
"They'll see."

"Good." He breathed against my neck, his hands roaming freely under my tee. He trapped me underneath him and kissed me again, this time just as passionate and lustful as the last, if not more.
I pulled on the hem of his tee and he took it off, throwing it somewhere in the room.
"Your... turn." Frank sat up and helped me take my top off, throwing it in the same direction he threw his own.
Frank leaned over me again, but before anything else could happen we were rudely interrupted.

"Why's the door unlock- holy fucking shit! Ew!" Frank and I both froze, looking at Gerard, who looked like a deer caught in headlights. At the sound of his yelling, Pete, Mikey and Brendon came in, all of them looking equally horrified.

"Get out!" Frank hissed and I attempted to cover myself. All four men couldn't get out of the room fast enough.
"Shit, we're never going to hear the end of this."

"I know." I muttered and Frank awkwardly got off of me, picking up his abandoned tee.

"Yeah." Frank muttered and I got out of the bed, going over to my bags. Everyone had helped me pick up everything from Finn's place yesterday and it was shocking how little I actually had. Three bags of things I wanted to keep, including clothing. I pulled out a simple outfit and Frank's arm snaked around my waist and he placed a small kiss to the back of my neck.
"I really missed you, Y/N."

"I missed you too, Frank." I couldn't help but lean into his touch.
"You should probably go and get ready."

"Yeah, see you, sweetheart." Frank left and even at the mention of the old nickname, the butterflies in my stomach exploded.
I couldn't believe I was falling for Frank Fucking Iero all over again.


"Hey, sugar. I see one of us had a good night." Gerard smirked and I glared at him.
"You have a little..." He pointed to my neck and I sighed, covering the hickey.

"I'll kill him." I muttered and Gerard laughed.
"Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Frank, you rat."

"Rude." Frank replied and I moved my hand away from my neck, showing him the mark. He laughed a little and kissed my cheek.
"It looks good on you." He winked, leaving me speechless.

"Holy smokes, it's true?" We all looked at Patrick.
"{Ship name} is sailing once again?"

"I guess it is." Joe laughed and I felt my face burning.

"I hate you all."

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