14. "Do you wanna take a ledgends of emo selfie?"

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I grinned and clapped my hands as Fall Out Boy tried to catch their breath and calm down. They had given me a mini performance and I had to admit they were pretty good.

"Seriously, you guys are great." I smiled and Patrick sat down next to me, putting his head on my shoulder.

"So, a little birdie told me little miss Y/N L/N has a boyfriend." Pete smirked and Patrick's head shot up.

"What?" He asked and I glared at Pete as all four boys looked at me expectantly.

"Does this little birdie happen to have blonde hair and glasses?" I asked and Pete hummed.
"Mikey Way you little fucker."

"So is it true? You're dating Frank?" Pete asked and I groaned.

"He hasn't officially asked me out, but yes, we've made out... more than a few times." I admitted and Andy laughed.

"You know, if I hadn't actually had conversations with them and realised that they were actually pretty cool, I would have told you to stay far away, but you know." He shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"Wait, when did you talk to Mikey about me and Frank?" I asked and the bell for lunch rang.

"He texted me." Pete shrugged and I raised my eyebrow.

"And I'm the only one with a boyfriend?" I watched as Pete turned bright red, before leaving and going towards the Canteen.

"Uh, Y/N?" I turned to see the boy from yesterday, Brendon's friend, Ryan.
"Sorry if I offended you or Frank yesterday. I didn't mean to and-"

"Don't worry about it, Ryan, was it?" He nodded.
"Frank was having a bad day and it just pissed him off a little. I didn't mean to snap at you or anything."

"Oh, okay, uhh, so Frank won't beat me up or anything?" He asked and I sighed.

"I'll make sure he doesn't." Ryan gave me a small, awkward smile, before heading off in the opposite direction. I walked into the canteen, finding Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Frank sat with the Fall Out Boys at the table. I tried to sit next to Frank, but he pulled me onto his lap and put his head against my shoulder. A few of the boys smirked, Mikey raised his eyebrow and the rest ignored us and concentrated on their food.
"You okay, Frankie?" I asked and he hummed.

"Is he okay?" Gerard mouthed and I shrugged.

"Frank? You want to come with me? I'm going for a walk." He hummed again and this time, both Gerard and Mikey gave me a concerned look. I stood up and Frank copied, taking my hand. He had his hood up and his hair covered his face and I pulled him outside and under the bleachers.
"You okay?"

"Just tired." He muttered and I could tell it wasn't the complete truth.
I squeezed his hand and sat down. He sat next to me and put his head on my shoulder.
"I just don't feel great about a lot of things right now."

"Anything in particular?" I asked and he shook his head. I moved so I was sat in front of him, lifting my hand to move his hair out of his face. He caught my wrist and I looked at him in surprise.
"Frank, I can't help if I don't know what's up."

"I don't want you to help. I just..." He trailed off and sighed, letting go of my wrist. I moved the hair out of his face, blinking in surprise when I saw the bruising under his eye.

"Who did this and don't give me any of that 'I ran into a door' crap?" I asked, keeping my voice steady.

"Bert said some shit and I hit him. He was badmouthing you and my parents and I snapped. He got one decent punch, compared to the four I landed on him, before he ran off to his little friends." Frank said quietly and I kissed his head and he hugged me. I moved so I was sat on his knee, which was apparently more comfortable for both of us.
Frank hid his face in the crook of my neck and I hummed a tune from a forgotten memory. The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch and Frank looked at me with a slightly panicked expression.
"Did you want to get anything to eat? You haven't eaten."

"I'm fine, really." I said with a small smile.
"You'll just have to buy me pizza after school." I joked as I stood up, pulling Frank up with me.

"Okay." He shrugged.

"I wasn't serious." I nudged him and Frank wrapped his arm around me.

"I was."

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