27. Team Umbrella for life!

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Excuse me whilst I cri
Tøp and Frank Iero And The Future Violents are currently in the UK and I can't go and see either
Cause I'm just a poor child

Y/N's P.O.V.

I read through the notifications on my phone, a few texts from various band members making me smile. I got out of bed, not caring that Finn wasn't in the apartment. The note on his pillow confirmed that.

Sorry about last night.
I've gone to my parents' house for a few days.
Love you

I rolled my eyes and took a quick shower, washing my hair and cleaning myself off. I wrapped my hair and body in a towel, before stepping in front of the mirror. I cringed at they large purple bruise across my cheek and finished my routine.
I went into my room and got changed into something simple.


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"Fuck." I swore under my breath as I covered the bruise with makeup. I looked at my phone, almost screaming when I realised I only had 5 minutes before Frank was supposed to be getting here.
I rushed downstairs and groaned, seeing the smashed glasses from last night. I started cleaning the glass up, swearing loudly when a piece cut my hand. It was deep and I finished cleaning up the broken glass and grabbed some paper towels. I winced as I tried to stop the bleeding. There was a knock on the door and I threw the paper towels in the bin, before going to open the door.

"Hey." Frank smiled and I returned the gesture.
"The others are meeting us..." He trailed off, before carefully taking my wrist and looking at my bleeding hand. He wasn't angry, but there was a disappointed look on his face.

"I cut my hand cleaning up glass." I sighed, pulling my hand out of his grip.
"It's nothing." I went back inside and bandaged it quickly, before grabbing my bag and closing the door. I gave Frank a small awkward smile and we walked over to his car. When we got in, he didn't start the engine and I looked at him.

"Did you really cut your hand cleaning up glass, or...?" He asked and I looked at my lap.
"Not to be rude, but after seeing your arm, I just want to be sure."

"Yeah, I dropped a glass last night and forgot to clean it up until just then." I lied.
"I only woke up about an hour ago." Frank nodded his head and I pulled on the sleeves of my cardigan. We arrived at the café a few minutes later, where I was immediately greeted by the rest of My Chemical Romance.
"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey, sugar." Gerard grinned and I noticed Mikey's smile falter a little.

"Y/N, can I have a word?" The younger Way asked and I nodded. He walked outside and I followed him.
"Who hit you?" He asked immediately and I looked at him in surprise.

"No one. Why?"

"Y/N, Frank and the others won't mention it, but that bruise wasn't there yesterday and you've not done the best job at covering it." He sighed.

"Fuck." I muttered and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I know we haven't talked in a long time and we weren't that close when we did talk, but you can trust me, you know?" He asked.
"Don't try and pull any of that 'I walked into a doorframe' shit either. I know a punch when I see one."

"Mikey, it's nothing." I muttered, pulling at my sleeves, a nervous habit I had picked up.

"We're not going back inside until you tell me. I won't tell the others an I'll avoid getting involved unless you want me to, but you have to tell me. Was it your boyfriend?" He said and I nodded my head a little.
"Christ, what happened to the girl that threatened to break Gerard's arm for just touching her?"

"She's dead. Very dead." I mumbled.
"It's nothing. Finn was just angry and I got annoyed at him too. It's fine."

"Fine. I'll tell the others not to bring it up. Let's go back inside."

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