26. Having dirty hands is fine

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Trigger Warning: Mentions Of self harm

Y/N's P.O.V.

"I'm going to pass out, I'm so tired." I muttered and Patrick laughed a little. We were all sat in Pete's room, except from the guys from Panic! At The Disco. Well, Brendon was here anyway.

"Y/N, you can go to sleep soon, promise, but I think we owe you an explanation." Ray said and I nodded.

"Shortly after you left, our grandma, Elena died. We were close." Mikey said and guilt struck me.
"Especially Gerard, it kind of messed us both up."

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have come back and been there for you?" I asked and Gerard sighed.

"You had your new friends and routine to get used to." He shrugged and now I felt really fucking guilty.
"Mikey found out about my anxiety and we figured with your new friends you didn't need us."

"So one by one, we stopped messaging you. You seemed to have it all figured out here." Joe said and I covered my face with my hands, trying to stop the tears before it was too late.

"Shit!" I groaned in frustration.
"I'm such a fucking idiot."

"What?" Pete asked.

"I hate it here. I've hated every hour, every minute. I lied about having loads of friends and being popular. No one wanted to be friends with the weird American girl with no parents. Half of the kids at school thought I'd start a school shooting and others picked on me. Hell, there were rumours that I killed my parents and that I was under witness protection or some shit." I explained, not moving my hands away from my face as I cried. My voice cracked a few times.

"Why'd you tell us you liked it?" Mikey asked.

"Because you all wanted me to go. You're the ones that convinced me to come here and I didn't want you to feel bad about me hating it." I said.
"Then you all stopped calling and texting and I tried- I was so alone and I had Zara, but somehow I convinced her I was okay."

"Y/N, I'm so sorry." Brendon said, hugging me. I hugged him back.

"We all are. We should have known you weren't okay. We shouldn't have dropped out of contact." Frank said and I wiped away my tears.

"I shouldn't have lied." I said and my phone began to ring. Who the hell would call me at half past 1 in the morning?
"Sorry, I have to get this."

"Everything okay?" Andy asked and I nodded. I stood up and went outside the hotel room, answering my phone.

"Finn? What's wrong?" I asked, suppressing a yawn.
"Aren't you working?"

"No, I'm not." My boyfriend said angrily.
"I took the night off to surprise you when you got home and you're not even here."

"I went to a concert-"

"I know about the concert. Zara told me." He interrupted.
"I also know it ended over 2 hours ago. Where are you?"

"Well, I knew the guys preforming. They're old friends, I thought you were working, so-"

"I can't believe you. You think I'm working so you cheat on me with some bastards out of some emo band no one's ever heard of?" He accused.

"They're just old friends. We're catching up. I promise it's not what you think." I muttered.

"Home. Now." He said harshly.

"Yeah, okay. I'll be a half hour." I said and he hung up. I went back into the hotel room and gave the boys a small smile.
"I've got to go."

"What? No, you can't." Gerard whined.

"Why?" Pete pouted.

"Turns out Finn isn't working and he doesn't like that I'm out with a bunch of guys and not at home with him." I yawned.

"That's bullshit." Brendon said and I shrugged

"I'll drive you." Frank offered and I shook my head.

"I can walk, it's really not that far." I picked up my jacket and he stood up.

"It's late, I'm driving you." He said and I sighed.

"Whatever." I pulled a small slip of paper out of my pocket, putting it on the table.
"My number, if you want it. Text me whenever."

"Thanks, Y/N. Really." Ray smiled and I swear he was the same ray of sunshine he always was.
They all hugged me and I followed Frank out to his car.

"So I was wondering, do you want to get lunch with us tomorrow- today?" Frank corrected himself as we got into the car.

"Yeah, I'd like that." I nodded and he grinned.
I gave him directions to my apartment and when we got there he held his hand out.

"I want your phone number and I'll give you mine." He smirked and I handed him my phone, rolling my eyes. When I took my phone back, he grabbed my wrist and I flinched slightly. He pushed my hoodie sleeve up, revealing the cuts and scars that covered my inner arm, below the tattoo.
I expected him to shout or tell me off, but instead he brought my wrist up and kissed my tattoo. It was my only tattoo and I had gotten it with Frank.
"I'll pick you up at 11am, okay?" He asked softly.

"Yeah, goodnight Frank."

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