16. Ballyhoo

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• • •U P D A T E• • •
• • •L O A D I N G • • •

(Sorry, I'm really bored)

Y/N's P.O.V.

"I can't believe this." My mother muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. Frank smirked at me from across the waiting room, his aunt looking less than pleased.
Brendon and his parents emerged from the Principal's office and the poor boy looked like he was about to explode with laughter.

"Bren, are you nasty?" I asked and my mother hit my arm as my friend burst out laughing, his father grabbing the back of his t-shirt and practically dragging him out of the school. Frank laughed a little.

"Are you nasty?" Frank asked me and I winked at him, earning another glare from my mother. The black haired boy blushed a little and pulled on his lip ring with his teeth. God damn that was hot.

"Mrs. L/N?" The receptionist asked and my mother grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the office.

"I am deeply sorry for my daughter's behaviour." My mother said instantly.

"I'm not." I snorted.
"Do you know how many times we caught her with teachers in my last school? 9 times... at least."

"That's not the point, Miss L/N." The principal sighed.
"You deeply offended and upset a member of staff."
I zoned out after that and it wasn't until my mother stood up and dragged me out that I snapped back to reality.

"I want you to break up with that boy." My mom said as she dragged me out of the school.

"And I want to get a choice in who I hang out with, without being judged by you. But clearly, neither of those things are happening." I sassed. Damn I've been around Gerard too much.

"Why can't you just be normal and have girl friends and go shopping and buy clothes that aren't every shade of black, grey or red?" She sighed.

"Oh, god forbid I have my own fashion sense." I rolled my eyes. 
"Drop me off at Frank's please?"

"No, you're coming home." She said stubbornly.

"That's kidnapping. I'm old enough to decide where I want to go and I don't want to go back to your house. You're taking me there against my will." She let out a bitter laugh.

"You come out with some bullshit, don't you?" She asked.
"I want you to meet someone. He's nice and I've actually been with him for the past few months."

"Excuse me?" I asked and she sighed.

"The last few business trips haven't been completely about business. I met Mark and I love him. He has a daughter who's your age. She's beautiful, I'm sure you'll get along."

"I'd rather not." I muttered and noticed how her grip tightened on the steering wheel. That's when I noticed it.

"You're going to behave, Y/N."

"You're marrying him?" I asked in shock, looking at the ring.
"You're actually marrying him?"

"Well, yes. We've been together for a few months." I scoffed.

"It took you years to accept Dad's proposal and you're marrying this guy after a few months? What is he? Rich or your boss? Dying?" My mother pulled up to our house and I noticed the pure white Porsche in the drive.
"Wait, he's not all three, is he?" I asked and she hit the wheel.

"What is your problem?" She yelled.

"It's a bit obvious, isn't it?" I got out of the car and the front door opened, revealing a man who looked to be my mom's age in a full suit.

"You must me Y/N, I've heard much about you." He smiled warmly and I scoffed, walking past him. I went up to my room, horrified to find some blonde, pink dress wearing slut looking through my stuff.

"What the Hell do you think you're doing?" I asked, furious. She jumped and turned to face me with an innocent smile.

"Oh, Hey!" She grinned and her voice went right through me.
"You must be Y/N! You have so much interesting stuff. I thought this was a boy's room. I mean, seriously? Where are all your dresses and cute things?"

"Get the fuck out of my room, before I slap that ugly ass makeup off of your face." I growled and her eyes widened, before she ran out, heels not seeming to be a problem. My phone began to ring and I answered it as soon as I saw Gerard's contact.

"Hey, You okay?" He asked immediately.
"Frank text me saying your mom looked pissed, but he's with the principal now."

"Can you pick me up?" I asked quietly, feeling tears of frustration form in my eyes.

"Yeah, just send me your address." He said calmly and I hung up, texting him the information, before pocketing my phone. I grabbed my suitcase and filled it with clothes and the few pictures of me and my dad, my chargers, laptop and anything else I could think of, before getting a text from Gerard, saying he'd be 2 minutes.
I dragged my case downstairs, immediately getting dirty looks from my mother and her new boy toy.

"Where do you think you're going?" My mom asked and I threw her my house keys.

"As far away from you as possible." I said, keeping my voice steady.

"You're ungrateful, you know that?" She snapped and I rolled my eyes. I never saw it coming. She slapped me, hard. I looked at her in disbelief, before the sound of a car honking outside caught my attention. I noticed the regret in her eyes and the pain.
"Y/N, I-"

"Save it." The tears began to fall.
"Don't even try to contact me." I left the house and found Gerard and Mikey waiting my the car. Gerard took my bag, Mikey pulling me into a hug. I hadn't been particularly close with him, but he was welcoming and I felt safer with someone who was almost a stranger than my own mother.

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