17. God, I love the tambourine

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Y/N's P.O.V. 

"That's going to bruise, just keep ice on it, okay?" Mikey asked, pushing his glasses up. I gave him a weak smile and he walked off. I could hear him talking to Gerard in the hallway, but I didn't care enough to actually listen.
The door swung open and Frank looked around, before coming over to me. He sat down next to me and wordlessly pulled me into his side, moving the ice pack away from my face and wincing slightly.

"Does it hurt?" He asked, but I couldn't bring myself to respond. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes and I hid my face in Frank's shirt, dropping the ice pack completely as I wrapped my arms around him.
"Shh, it's okay. You're okay." He whispered and I let out a sob.
I cried into his shirt for what felt like hours, but was probably no more than 10 minutes.
"Come on, let's go home."
He helped me up and outside. Once I was in the car, he went back inside and spoke to Gerard and Mikey, before coming back and starting up the engine.

"Can we make a quick stop?" I asked and Frank nodded.

"Anywhere." He said and I started giving him directions. It wasn't too long before we were parked outside of the cemetery and Frank gave me a worried look.

"I just want to see my dad." I said awkwardly.
"It's been a while."

"Of course. Do you want me to stay here or come with you?" Frank asked and I wondered how I met someone so kind and understanding.

"Can you come with me, please? I don't really want to be alone." I said in a whisper and we both got out of the car. Frank's hand found mine and we walked through the cemetery, until I stopped. I looked at the headstone, one of the only things I had left of him.

Father and Husband
Gone too soon

It was so cliché and ordinary, it almost made me sick. My dad was definitely not cliché or ordinary. He was random, funny and the most insane person I had ever met.

"It's been a while, Dad." I muttered, not caring if Frank thought it was weird.
"Everything's a mess and I just want you back. Mom's lost it completely now. She fucking hit me, I never thought she'd stoop that low. At least I have Frank and my friends." I leaned into Frank.

"I'll look after her, I promise." Frank said and I smiled a little. We stood in silence for a short while, before Frank and I returned to the car then back to Frank's house. He grabbed my suitcase out of the trunk and I figured Gerard or Mikey put it in there when I was having my mini meltdown.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" Frank asked and I hummed in response.
He put Star Wars on and before too long, we had both fallen asleep on the couch.


"Morning, Sweetheart." Frank smiled and I yawned.
"How're you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a bus." I mumbled and he kissed my head. It took me a minute to realise I was on the couch and he was sat next to me.

"Well, I've almost finished dinner. Once you've eaten, how does a bath sound?" I hummed and he chuckled.
"You're adorable." He mused and I sat up. Frank left the room and I wrapped the blanket around my shoulders as I followed him into the kitchen.
"I hope you like (favourite food)." Frank said awkwardly.

"Yeah, I do." I smiled and sat down at the table. He pushed a plate of food in front of me and sat opposite me.

"Uh, so the band is coming over later and we're not exactly quiet. So sorry in advance." Frank apologised and I gave him a small smile as I ate the (favourite food). I hummed at the taste and once we were finished Frank stood up.
"I'll do the dishes then run you a bath."

"Not happening. I'm doing the dishes." I said and Frank raised an eyebrow.
"You just cooked my favourite meal and you're letting me stay here, I should probably help out a little."

"I'm not complaining." Frank chuckled and I stood up, leaving the blanket on the chair. He kissed my head and left the room as I went over to the sink.
"Wait, that was your favourite meal?" He asked, coming back in.

"Yeah, it was really nice too." He grinned like an idiot.

"Glad you enjoyed it, Sweetheart."

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