31. Cats

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It's short
It's shitty

Y/N's P.O.V.

"How does it feel to be back on American Soil?" Frank asked with a smirk as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Fuck you, Frank. We're stood on concrete." I shot back, overly tired from the plane ride. He laughed, pulling me towards the bagging area. It was just me and the MCR guys that had gotten this plane. The others had different concerts and places to be. They did, however, all promise to stay in contact.

"I'll see you guys later." Ray smiled as he grabbed his bags and we all gave him a small wave as he headed home. The four of us waited around and soon enough Frank and Gerard got all excited and abandoned Mikey and I as they ran towards three kids and two women.

"No kids, yet, Mikey?" I asked jokingly and he scoffed.

"No." I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Come on, before these idiots leave us behind."

"Uncle Mikey!" The oldest of the three children yelled and Mikey grinned, picking the girl up.

"Heya Bandit." He grinned at her.

"Who's this?" The woman holding Gerard's hand asked. She must be his wife, Lindsey.

"This is Y/N." Frank said and I internally panicked. I looked at the woman in front of me- Jamia. She was technically still Frank's wife.
"She's my... girlfriend?"

"Am I?" I asked, unsure.

"Is she?" Gerard, Mikey and Jamia asked in unison.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Do you want me to be your girlfriend?" Before any more questions could be asked, Jamia laughed.

"God, you two are made for each other. It's adorable." She smiled.
"Hang on... are you that Y/N?"

"Yes." Gerard and Mikey smirked, causing Lindsey and Jamia to grin.

"Oh, well I'm sure we'll get along just fine." Lyndsey grinned and I nodded awkwardly.


"Here we go, I'll see you at mine next week for the girls' birthday?" Jamia asked Frank and I.

"Yeah, definitely." Frank grinned.
"We'll be there."

"Good, Y/N is it okay if I get Frank to text me your number?" She asked and I nodded.
"Great, see you later."

"Home sweet home." Frank sighed and I did a double take, seeing the old house.
"You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I feel like I have." I mumbled and Frank smiled as he unlocked the door. The place was impossibly clean, just like it used to be and we both put our bags by the stairs.
"Nothing has changed." I muttered and he laughed.

"Nope." He went into the kitchen.
"Jamia, you are a fucking legend!"

"What's up?" I asked and followed, finding what appeared to be a pot full of pasta and tomato sauce.

"Hungry?" He grinned and I nodded.
"Go and chose a movie and I'll prepare dinner."

"Any movie?" I asked and he shrugged. I laughed as I went and sat on one of the couches, picking up the remote. I turned the TV on and went onto Netflix, already knowing exactly what movie I was putting on.

"The Lion King, really?" Frank laughed as he came in, carrying two plates and two beers.

"It's a classic, don't even lie to me and say you don't like it." He sat down next to me and rolled hid eyes, but the playful smile in his face told me he was joking.

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