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My eyes flutter open as the sun rise appears through the small gap in the curtains. I remember the fact that Harry has a girlfriend but soon push that to the back of my mind because I'm not going to get hung up on something that I can't control. I roll off of the side of the bed onto the carpeted floor and then pull myself up using the bed side table. Checking the time on my phone as I pick it up.

"Hmm, 7 in the morning. I doubt any of the guys will be up. You know what, I'll make them all some breakfast seeming though they are letting me stay here." I think as I leave the room to head to the kitchen.

As I enter the room I see that Vik has finally emerged from his room.

"Hey Vik. How you doing?" I ask opening the fridge to get some bacon and sausages for breakfast.

"Hey, I'm doing well. Um about what happened last night, I- I was shocked by how America has shaped you. I hope we can get past that awkward encounter." He states looking at his feet.

I reply by nodding my head and a small laugh.

"I'm making breakfast for everybody you want some?" I say grabbing some more food from the cupboards.

"I mean if you insist." He laughs.

Vik and I talk as I make a full English breakfast for everybody. After making it I put everything onto separate plates so they can put on what they want, I say to Vik for him to start and that I was going to get everybody else up. Without me even saying the last words he was already putting food onto his plate and I don't blame him, he didn't even come down for pizza last night, he must be starving.

Running up the stairs to the bedrooms furthest from the stairs so I can walk straight back downstairs after tell them to get their arses out of bed. But it's at that point I remember I don't know who sleeps where. I'll find out soon anyway.

I approach the first door and knock.

"Comin'" shouts the voice from behind the door.

Their footsteps slowly come to a stop as the door swings open to a half asleep JJ.

"There's food downstairs in the kitchen for everybody if you want any." and just like Vik before the word food leaves my mouth he had already made his way past me and down the stairs.

One down. I then proceed to make my way to the bedroom across from JJ's.

"Hey, you up?" I ask as I knock on the door.

"Uh, yeah. Come in if you want." The sluggish voice says that sounds a bit like Simon

"There's food downstairs in the kitchen if you want any, I recommend to go now because JJ and Vik might eat it all before anybody else gets any." I giggle. Yep this is Simon's room. He does a half laugh before stretching and then forcing himself out of his bed. Me and him both then leave the bedroom

"I'll go get Josh, you tell Harry if you want" He says before going to the other room left that isn't Harry's. I walk back down the hall way to get to his room. 

"Yo Harry" I say through the door. I hear a slight groan and bed sheets moving, "just coming to say that there's food in the kitchen and if you want any you better hurry up as the others are already down there." I turn around and head down the stairs as Harry then leaves his room to follow me to the kitchen.

"Morning (y/n/n)" They all say in collectively with food in their mouths, I smile as I see that they are all enjoying the food.

"What you two doing here then?" I say looking at Ethan and Tobi whilst grabbing myself a serving.

"I drank a bit last night so I was playing it safe" Eth says putting some bacon into his mouth.

"And I just felt tired" Tobi explains. 

"Fair enough" I say sitting next to Behz.

" So what is the plan for today then boys?" I ask 

"We might be filming a video for the sidemen channel" JJ states as he places his dish in the sink.

"Cool, what you thinking about doing?" I question putting a scoop full of beans into my mouth.

"Uh maybe a football challenge" Harry says as he sits onto the work top.

"Here's an idea, why don't you join us and that why you can see if you think making videos for youtube is your thing?" Tobi suggests making the others nod in agreement.

"Sure, what time you filming then?" I ask finishing up what I had left on my plate.


"Cool, you know where to find me" I say as I leave the room after placing my plate in the sink along with some of the others who have also finished.

I guess I'll be showing them my football skills. I'm going to throttle them, just they wait.

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