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I just want to start this chapter off my saying how happy I am to see that this little book of mine has reached 1k reads. It's amazing! I hope you all are enjoying it so far. 

I want to say I'm sorry for not writing for a few days but after I can back from holiday I went back to school so I've been about busy with school work as I've now started my GSCE's (I'm in year 10)  and if you don't know what I mean by that then don't worry it just means that the grades I get next year will help me get a job and a place in my next stages of education. Anyways another reason why I haven't posted is that I'm not feeling too good, I don't know what's wrong but I'm just not right at the moment so please bare with me. At the moment I'm going to post when I can but I may end up posting once a week or something like that but I'll wait and see. 

With that being said I hope you enjoy this chapter  and please vote on it and whilst you're here comment something, it can be about anything xx


He stumbled into the back garden I sat waiting on the soft blanched that covered the cold floor. Once he saw the scene he gave a massive smile that were brighter than the lights dotted around us, his smile reflected on my face as I beamed a smile back at him.

Slowly making his way over he commented, "This looks beautiful. But what is it for?" 

I smirked as I replied, "You"

He sat himself down next to me with confusion hidden in his face. 

"I had a talk with my friend, I told her about us. I said that I really like you but I wasn't sure if you was ready but I've now realised I was meaning if I  was ready. And I am, I want to be with you so I decided to do this" I point around at the setting sun and the lights around us, "Harry, I love you. And I want to be with you so what do you say, will you be mine?" I ask the feeling of confusion drops from his face as it is replaced by happiness.

"I was meant to ask you that" He laughs

"So?" I question already knowing that it's a yes

"You're a weirdo but I can now call you my weirdo. Yes (y/n) I'll be yours, as long as you'll be mine?" He states. I nod in reply.

We share a smile. He then pulls me into his arms as we gaze upon the sky watching as the stars start to appear. Every now and then we look at each other give a small smile, we are both just so happy to be in each others company, being in his arms just feel so right and I didn't want it to end but I knew at one point it did. 

The breeze became bitter and made me shiver. 

"Should we head inside? You look a bit cold and I would give you my jacket but then I'll be cold, and we could  go inside and still do this and it'll be warmer " he snickered 

"Good idea" I giggle, "could you help me get the stuff in?" I ask standing up and collecting the candles

He didn't say anything but instead started to fold up the blanket and collect the dirty plates and cups. 

Once all of the things were collected I joked about having a race back inside, Harry being Harry started to count down catching me off guard.




"GO!" He yells as he starts to run off with the things he picked up, I began to run after him.

"I beat you!" He mocked

"You started before me" I pouted 

"First of all, it was your idea. And secondly I gave you a count down" he laughed 

"Fair point" I shrugged as I placed everything on the kitchen counter.

 "So who knew about what you did?" Harry asks sitting in the bar stool

"Errm, Josh" I stated 

"Just Josh?" He asks 

I nodded in reply 

"I guess we should tell the others then and also tell Josh how your plan went" 

"I guess we should. Let's do it tomorrow, start the day off with that news, for now I want to spend my time with you" I say as I tap his nose making him blink and pull a funny face which made me giggle.

That night we spent it in his room just watching TV, I was in his arms just like outside. Before I knew it my eyelids became heavy and began to close.

"Night darling. I love you" was what he said to me as he places amiss in my forehead 

"Night Harrold" I smile as I drift off into a blissful sleep


Sorry for the shorter chapters but if you read the first part of this chapter then you might understand why. I also stupidly decide to do these chapters really late at night so I'm normally really tired 😂 anyways, I hope that you liked this chapter and are ready for when I upload another one!

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