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Can I just start this off with a MASSIVE thank you!!

Never would have thought that this book would get over 12k reads. Just want to thank you guys for baring with me with the irregular updates, but I hope that you enjoy the chapters that have been made no matter if they have like 3 months in between them.

Hope you all have a lovely day/night/afternoon wherever you are in the world, once again thank you for reading! 💕


It's been three days since the break up with Harry, I haven't seen him since then. Not even when he's getting food or something to drink, and I have to admit, I'm getting worried.

"Hey, Simon. Uh- ha-have you seen or heard anything from Harry recently? I haven't seen him since just after the- the break up" I ask the blonde headed dude solemnly 

"No, sorry. I have to be honest, I don't understand why you care about him so much after what he done to you. If it was me I wouldn't want to talk to them for at least a month." He replies

I really wanted to tell him that there is a reason for what he did but at the same time what would I tell him after I did. Because I don't know why he done it yet either. 

"I still care about him. I know what he done was wrong but I don't want to live with somebody that won't talk to me, so I'm going to try and sort things out" I turn on my heels to walk out the room as Simon grabs my wrist stopping me from leaving. I turn back around to face him.

He gives me a sad smile, "I just done want you getting hurt again."

I reassure him with a smile before pulling my hand away and leaving the room to go to Harry's bedroom where he's most likely to be. I go into the kitchen to grab a drink for Harry and some food just so he has them upstairs to make sure he doesn't starve. With my hands full I jog up the stairs. Walk down the hall towards Harry's room. Pause at the door before raising my hand with the bag of crisps in it to knock the door. 

"Come in" I quite voice calls from the other side.

I push the handle down and enter the room. The mess of which he calls a room. And when I say mess I mean clothes everywhere, bedsheets in a ball, pillows on the floor, cups and plates on the desks, or what I think is the desk due to all of the rubbish and cutlery on it.

"(Y/n)?" He says in a state of shock whilst flying off of his bed and throwing clothes into the basket. 

"Don't worry about the mess, I won't stay for long. Just wanted to check if everything is alright. I haven't seen you since we..." I trail off at the end as he already knows the end.

"Yeah I've just been, been trying to think of the best way to deal with not being with you everyday." He replies with sad eyes

"The just tell me why you did it" I ask grabbing one of his hands making him look at me. A small smile forms on his face as his eyes light up slightly but it soon fades when he removes his hand from mine.

"I'll wait for it, but the sooner you tell me the less likely I'll find somebody new" I state as I leave his room closing the door behind me. 

The truth is I won't be able to find somebody like him, nor do I want to. It's just that I'm hoping that it will cause him to hurry up with telling me the story.

Harrys POV-

I really want to tell her the truth. But I don't know how...

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