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"So Harry seems nice, didn't think he'd be your type" (y/f/n) states 

"I mean it's not like I didn't know anything about him when we got together, I knew him before I left for America and I had feeling for him then. They just grew." I reply smiling slightly thinking about him when we first met. Shy around girls but loud around the group. He was quite adorable, and now that we're together I get butterflies just thinking about him. He's just-

"Yo earth to (y/n)?" I snap out of my thought as (y/f/n) clicks her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry" I laugh

"It's all good. Right, what I was saying was, do you think you could tell me more about that Jj guy, he's a fitty" she laughs as she fans her face dramatically 

"Ooo. You like Jj!" I tease

"Maybe" she shrugs

"He's a good guy. Nice charming and once you get to know him a gentlemen. But for the camera he's quite loud and obnoxious. But as I said it's a bit of an act." I pause for a second, "I actually think you two would make a good couple, you both can be quite dramatic but on the inside you are kind and caring. Too bad you'll be going back to America so of you do get together it will be a long distance thing" I sigh thinking about how perfect they would be together but I doubt the long distance thing would work.

"But it's worth a shot" she argues back

"True that. When we go out as a group I'll make sure you guys spend as much time together as I can" I smile getting a smile in reply.

What a nice way to begin your time in England, finding somebody you love. Especially when it's two of your best friends.

Once we get the sleeping arrangement sorted we sit around, talk and gossip about random things. I look at the clock and it's rolled around to 1:40 in the morning, I gasp and say that we should get changed and go to bed as tomorrow we're planning on going out shopping and just have fun. I show (y/f/n) the bathroom and where everybody on our floor sleeps so she knows where everybody is. She gets ready first and get changed in the bathroom and does her teeth and what ever and I do the same in my room. She steps back into my room with a beautiful light pink two piece set of short and t-shirt. It was loose yet fitted perfectly, god she was pretty, it's honestly confusing why she's single. But hopefully not for long. 

"How do you make something so simple look so beautiful" I ask 

"Stop it, I could say that to you" she reply's back

I was wearing one of Harry's jumpers and a pair of joggers, a bit differ from hers 

"You have to be kidding me" I laugh

"Not many girls can pull of the weekend look without looking like you've got a massive hangover" she laughs 

"Fair point" I giggle

After another small chat we finally fall asleep at around 2. During the middle of the night I hear my door open, I don't think much of it because I just thought that it was (y/f/n) going to the bathroom. However I felt arms wrap around me which made me jump. Then I heard a small chuckle. Harry.

"It's just me love" he whispers in my ear pulling me closer to his chest 

"You just scared the shit out of me, but you might want to go back to your room as o don't know how (y/f/n) will react in the morning" I sigh feeling sad that he would leave.

"She was the one that told me to come here" he replies

"What?" I ask 

"She came into my bedroom and scared me, I'm shocked that I didn't wake everybody up to be honest. Then she told me to sleep in here with you, don't ask me why, I have no idea why" he chuckles 

"Aww that's sweet of her. Anyways I'm going back to sleep now. I'm knackered and you don't want to see me when I'm tired in the morning. Ethan learnt the hard way when we were younger" I laugh

"You need to tell me the story later. Night, love you" he replies bringing a smile to my face as I drift back off to sleep.


As I begin to wake up I manage to wake Harry up too 

"Sorry Bo. Didn't mean to wake you" I say 

"Nah it's fine I was awake before. You just look so peaceful asleep and so precious." He replies blushing slightly at what he just said.

I smile blushing too. 

I look around for (y/f/n) on the bed we spent ages bringing in, yet she wasn't there.

"Where's (y/f/n)?" I ask Harry who shrugs he shoulders in response 

We both jump  out of bed and leave the room.

"I have a strong idea she's in here" I smile as we approach Jj's room 

Harry slowly opens the door so it wouldn't make any noise. We approach the bed and see both of them in the same position Harry and I were this morning. Cuddling together. They both looked so happy together.

"Let's scare them, the same way (y/f/n) did me" Harry thought

"Go on then" I smile

We grab the duvet and pull it over their heads 

"We are gathered here today to delineate the lives of Olajide Olatunji and (y/f/n) (last name)" Harry pronounces. They both start to wake up from the nose and then started to shout for help. 

"The two lovers died in the same bed. And for the first time Jj had a girl in his bed that was fully clothed still" at the moment we all started laughing. Their panic ended because they realised it wasn't real because of Harry's comment. We take the duvet off and sand next to each other again smiling because we successfully done what we wanted to do.

"Fuck you both" Jj says sternly

"You have to admit it was funny" I say

"Not when you're the person having it done to. Who's idea was this" (y/f/n) questions 

We both point at each other and say the others name. Jj and (y/f/n) exchange a look

"Let's get them" they say in unison 

And with that Harry and I run as fast as we can out of the room.

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