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Harry's pov

For (y/n)'s birthday we're going to hold a surprise party for her. It's only going to be people we are very close with so the house won't be too full. Then later that night we'll play a game of truth or dare and when it's my turn to be asked they will ask me saying do I have something I want to tell someone- or something along those lines- and that's when I'll propose to her. 

When Ethan was with (y/n) on a visit to see their mum I told everyone else. We bought the decorations and everything and hid them in Simon and Jj's room as she early goes in there. I told Ethan the plan before they left so he knew about it. 

Now it's the night before her birthday and I've never been so nervous. But I assume tomorrow it's going to be worse. 

Because I want o be with her as soon as she wakes up tomorrow I leave my room and go into hers. She already in her bed asleep. I climb into the bed and wrap my arms around her. 

"Night Harry. Love you" she mumbles as she turns and nuzzles into my chest. 

"Love you too" I smile as I kiss the top her head and drift off to sleep.


I begin to wake up and once I've opened my eyes I see (y/n) in her phone smiling.

"Happy birthday babe" I say giving her a tight squeeze which she giggles to.

"Thank you Haz" she says kissing my cheek, "look at this. I've got so many happy birthday messages on Instagram" she says excitedly showing me the messages and posts.

"Aww that's sweet"

"I know right!"

She then turns her phone off and faces me.

"Let's get ready" I say as I get out of the bed to pull her out.

I go downstairs and that's when we see everyone in the kitchen waiting for her. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all shout in unison 

She jumps but then says thank you to all of them giving them all a hug.

"I made you breakfast" Tobi says placing a plate on the table

"You didn't have to Tobi" she says sitting down

"I know but I wanted to" be says shrugging, "we'll leave you two" he says ushering everyone out 

"Oh (y/n). Me you shopping once you're ready" (y/f/n) says as she leaves

"But" (y/n) whines 

"No buts. I'm buying you things" 

And with that she's gone. 

I make myself some breakfast and sit next to (y/n) she eats the food Tobi made and we talk and laugh. 

I feel like I should be more nervous, but I'm not. I feel like she will be happy, so I'm not worried. 

"Right Harry. I'm going to get ready before (y/f/n) whoops my arse" she giggles putting the plate in the dishwasher.

"Okay, have fun today" I smile as she leave to go upstairs

I then sit in the kitchen just looking out the glass doors to the garden. 

I remember the little picnic we had out there when we asked each other out. It brings a smile to my face. The many videos we've filmed out there and laughing every second. 

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