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"(y/n)! You ready, we're now about to go so I suggest you get your butt down here!" Vik shouts at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah now coming let me just put my shoes on!" I yell back.

I slip on my white trainers and check myself in the mirror to see how my outfit looks (media) before running out of the bedroom and down the stairs to be met by the sidemen.

"Let's go!" I say as I rush past them and out of the door

"You heard her, let's get going" Ethan says chasing after me, followed by the others.

I approach the cars and then realise we are going to have to take two because there are 8 of us.

"Who's going with who?" I ask pointing at the cars

"We can take mine" Replies Simon

"Same here" says Josh

"Great, now who's going with who?" I ask, "Just pick"

" I'll take you, JJ and Ethan" Simon replies finding his keys in his pocket to unlock the car.

"You cool with that Josh?" He asks 

"Fine by me" Josh replies getting into his car.

We start to drive down the road when Simon starts to wave the AUX cord in the air, I grab it and plug it in my phone. I decided to put on a rap song, Rap God by Eminem.

"Didn't think you'd listen to songs like these, and by that I didn't know you could rap." Simon states earning a chuckle from Ethan because he's heard me rap before. 

"Just wait my dear" I laugh

The song plays for a bit with everybody rapping along, but as soon as it approaches the fast part everybody else falls silent. JJ draws out his phone and starts recording, I assume to show the others, no matter what happens.

Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speed,
Uh, sama lamaa duma lamaa you assuming I'm a human
What I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman
Innovative and I'm made of rubber
So that anything you saying ricocheting off of me and it'll glue to you
I'm never stating, more than never demonstrating
How to give a motherf***in' audience a feeling like it's levitating
Never fading, and I know that the haters are forever waiting
For the day that they can say I fell off, they'd be celebrating
Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated
I make elevating music, you make elevator music
Oh, he's too mainstream
Well, that's what they do when they get jealous, they confuse it

 After I finish rapping Simon and JJ sit in silence. JJ leans forward in his sit to stare at me as I catch my breath back. I turn around to see Ethan trying not to laugh and JJ slowly clapping. I do a small bow.

"Told you I can rap" I boast smirking

"We should do a song one day" JJ says still in amazement 

I laugh at his request but then reply with a maybe.

"Bro, my sister can rap better then all of us" Ethan exclaims, everybody chuckles.

"How did you learn you can rap?" Simon asks

"We'll when mine and Eth's parents where getting a divorce I fell into a dark spiral, it was really bad. I then turned to music because I found out that I can remember lyrics easily and the faster they were or the harder they were the better it was for me because it got me thinking, I guess I spent a lot of time remembering songs of by heart. When I was over in America I joined the glee club and we ended up winning nationals, I mainly done female lead but I wasn't to bothered if somebody else wanted to do it. And it was at the time I joined the club when I met my now best friend (y/f/n). At first she hated me because I got the leads, she tried to fight me but when she found out that I wasn't bothered about the leads she calmed down a bit and also the fact that I knew you guys helped. I guess in some way we became friends like how JJ and you did, first was hate then friendship." I say, "Oh sorry I went off on one then" I laugh

"No it's fine, it's nice to her you talking about yourself because for the little time you've been back you haven't really said much about America." Simon replies and I smile.

"And. We. Are. Here" He says stopping the engine.

We all get out of the car and JJ runs off to meet the other guys with his phone in his hands, probably to show them the video of me. I sigh and shake my head as I walk with Simon and Ethan.

Harry's POV

 As soon as we get to the pitch JJ runs up to the car with amazement as he hold out his phone towards Josh, Tobi Vik and I. It looks like (y/n).

"What did she do?" Tobi asks leaning onto the door of the car.

"Just watch" Is his reply as he pressed the button to start the video.

The video is of her rapping the fastest part of Rap God, and Jesus was she good at it, she didn't miss a word, by the end I see that they had the same reaction as us, just in silence, amazed at her secret skill.

"Damn you can rap" I say to her as she approaches with Simon and Ethan

"He showed you then" She laughs.

There it is again, he beautiful laugh that I can't get rid of in my head, maybe I made a mistake by not taking a chance with her. But it's too soon to be breaking up with Katie, God I messed up big time.

"Yo, Harry. You there?" Tobi says clicking his fingers together in front of me.

"Yeah, yeah." I say shaking my head out of my daydream 

"Good cause we're about to start the video and we kinda need you" He replies walking off to where the others are. I run after him and to the boys and (y/n).

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