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We manage to find the rest of the group. Some decided to reveal themselves to scare us seeking them. One of which was Harry. He somehow managed to see me coming and run up behind me and tackle me to the floor. He landed on top of me once he did so, I screamed so loud I'm pretty sure that everybody on the street could hear me. After I calmed down a bit we burst out laughing. The other guys turned on their torches to see what the noise was about and they soon made their way over to the pile of a laughing mess. Once we had both settled down to a giggle Harry rested the side of his face on my chest and I laid mine on the ground. 

"Alright that's enough love birds" Vikk chuckles 

"You're squishing me now Haz" I let out a giggle.

He rolls off of me and makes his way up and then holds his hand out for me, I  accept it and he pulls me up. 

"Right that's everyone!" Ethan says changing the subject quickly.

"How much footage has everyone got?" I ask to see if we need to film more.

Everybody replies with anytime between 15-25 minutes. 

"Alright, I should be able to make a long enough video if I don't have to cut half of it out" i laugh.

As we all begin to make our way back towards the car my phone lights up.

Message from (y/f/n)  🥳✌🏻

Can you call? I have some news!

A look of confusion crosses my face and it must be pretty clear because Harry looks at me.

"hey what's up?" He asks as he puts his arm over my shoulder

"(y/f/n) just texted me out of the blue saying she has some news, she wants to call." I reply resting my head on arm as we walked.

"Do it, you never know, it might be something big!" He exclaims

I press on her contact and begin calling her. Within seconds she picks up.

(You ... Friend)

You won't believe where i am!

Oo, come on tell me


i pause for a second, shocked at what she just revealed to me

No way. Where about are you, I'll come and get you!

Gatwick Airport, I just got off of the plane and need to get my bags, how long will you be?

Shouldn't be long, we just finished filming a video so we need to get back to the house, probably 20 minutes at most.

I can't wait to see you again (y/n)!

Neither can I, right see you in a few

See ya!

I end the call with a massive smile on my face, i begin to run as Harry calls after me.

"Hey wait up, why are you running?" He asks running along with me.

"She's here in London and we need to go and pick her up. I know you haven't agreed to do so but i haven't got a car and i need somebody to go with me" I laugh as we approach the car.

"Alright then" Is his reply.

We cramp everything into the back of the car and get ready to go back to the house. After the short car ride Harry and I get into his car and rush to the airport. We had already told the guys where we were going so we hopped in the car and we were off.

(time skip) 

As we quickly made our way into the airport i see her sitting there on her phone oblivious to what's going on around her. I shout her name and she looks up and runs over to me, i meet her halfway. He collide in a gigantic hug. We haven't seen each other in a few weeks yet it feels like a life time.

"I've missed you so much it doesn't seem possible" I say as we release from our hug.

"Same here! Let's put that beside for now, who's this fine looking gentlemen?" Buzzed 

"(y/f/n) this is Harry, my boyfriend" I turn to look at his reaction, he has a beaming smile and his eyes light up, a little bit of pink dusted on his cheek adding some extra cuteness.

"Harry this is (y/f/n). As you already know my best friend in the world" I smile 

"Hey, nice to meet you. You better be treating my girly right if not I'll be having you" she laughs 

"Nice to meet you to" have replies laughing along 

"Right shall we get going?" I says moving things forward, no words were shared but they bother nodded and we all started walking towards the car.

"Where are you staying then?" I ask (y/f/n) 

"I didn't get that far in my plan to coming here, I kind of booked it quiet late" she laughs nervously 

"Sleep in my room, with me. We can have like a little sleepover type thing" I say as the idea pops in my head. "They guys won't mind will they Haz?" I ask looking at him begging I'm him to say it's fine 

"Yeah, I don't think they'll mind having another girl in the house" he reply's making (y/f/n) laugh

"Jj definitely won't mind" I add making him chuckle 

"Who's this Jj dude?" She asks

"You'll see" I laugh 

(Time skip)

As we arrive at the house I help (y/f/n) with her bags. It looks like she's staying 2 weeks not a couple of days.

"I though you said you were staying a couple of days" I laugh dragging one of the cases to the door 

"I am but you've got to be prepared for any occasion" she replies 

"You have point" i laugh

Harry just shakes his head.

"Girls are weird" he sighs as he opens the door 

"We're back!" He shouts 

As suspected Jj runs down first because he knew it was girl I was bringing home. (Y/f/n) and I place the bags at the door as he finally looks at the new guest.

"Holy shit, are all of your friends like this because damn. You need to bring more over" he says practically drooling over her 

"Alright calm down Jj. She's staying here for a few days. Don't try anything" I say some what seriously 

"I'll try but no promises" he jokes walking over to grab the bags 

"Where is she staying because I don't think there are any more rooms so o goes she'll have to stay in mine with me. Uh what a shame" he says sarcastically 

"Not a chance, she's staying in my room with me" I reply raising my eyebrows 

"So you do you want to find out her name or what? it's (y/f/n)" I reply walking up the stairs with her guiding her to my room. I made sure Jj went first to make sure there were no trying to get a look at her if you know what I mean.

"Hot name for a hot girl" is his reply. She chuckles. I think that those two will get on pretty well. 

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