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A/N: this is happy & gay

inspo: bite, troye sivan (blue neighbourhood will always be THAT bitch)


You can coax the cold right out of me, drape me in your warmth...

Mila's POV:

"Mila, hey, wake up," Billie's voice filters through my head, and I reach out my hand to touch her to make sure this isn't a dream. My fingertips graze over her sleeve and I feel the fabric in between them, pursing my lips to keep from smiling.

"Hi," I groggily whisper and start to sit up, when it all starts coming back. My eyes adjust to the dark and I see the wrappers still on my bed, filling me with panic even though I can't change anything now. Billie sees where I'm staring and softly cups my cheeks and turns them to face her.

"Hey, look at me, alright?"

I gulp and nod, cracking my knuckles against the floor I shyly meet her eyes lit up by the light radiating off her phone screen resting in between us. The darkness of the room is like a backdrop, illuminating the lightness of her eyes. I drop my gaze to read the time on her phone and scrunch up my nose, looking back at her.

"Dude, why are we waking up at 1 a.m?" I question, rubbing my eyes with the heel of my palm. I stretch my arms backward until my shirt rides up and I quickly pull it down. Billie takes in my movements and gives me a sad expression before explaining.

"Well, I kinda just left my house so we need to get back before my parents wake up in the morning and realize I'm gone," she half-grins and I feel one spreading across my lips too.

"We?" I mirror her words and she shrugs like it's no big deal.

"I mean, only if you want to..." she drifts off and nervously waits for my response. I shove her shoulder a little and feel a burst of energy, so I slip my hands in hers and tug her to stand with me.

"Absolutely," I put her mind at ease, and I stand there, still holding her hands, I start to pull both of them out but she clings tight to one of them.


Let's go for a walk down Easy Street, where you can be reborn...

"Door or window?" I ask once we get in front of her house, and Billie walks up to the front window, trying to peer in but the curtains are closed.

"Front door should be fine, they're definitely asleep by now," she decides and takes off one of her chains with a key on it, twisting the lock carefully and slow. She extends her back hand for me to hold as she pushes the door open, murmuring a curse when she takes the first step in and the floorboards creak. We wait a couple seconds, after hearing nothing, we step in and shut the door behind us, and start tip-toeing towards her room.

When we're halfway through the living room, a lamp flickers on and we both flinch, turning to see Maggie narrowing her eyes, sitting up on the couch.

"Fuck," Billie sighs, then grins, walking over to her mom with her arms outstretched.

"Hey momma, what's u--"

"You're grounded." Maggie cuts her off, keeping her arms crossed over her chest. I lean against the wall and stare at the ground, trying to make myself invisible.

"Actually, we were just--"

"No, Billie. I don't wanna hear it, I'm tired," Maggie groans, rubbing her eyes as she gets up and brushes past Billie to walk towards her room. Billie starts chasing after her, calling out after her when we hear her door slam shut.

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