Chapter 21: Do I Love Her?

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After 30 minutes of hearing nothing from the soundproof room. Billie storms out of the room slamming the door and going into the elevator. Me and Kehlani walk back into the room to see a bloodied Natalie on the floor face down. Kehlani was right when she said someone was gonna get fucked up.

7 months later

No one's POV

Mariana and Billie have been dating for 7 months but still, haven't said the L word yet. Well, Billie hasn't. They still haven't had sexual intercourse yet and Mariana is getting eager for it while Billie just doesn't care.

Kehlani has finally confessed her love to Shaina and Shaina felt the same way. Zoe and Ariana are now an on and off again couple. Claudia has not been in the dating scene and she doesn't plan to, Finneas was her first love and she wouldn't betray him.

Billie and Mariana after 7 months have still been able to not let anyone in the house find out there dating. The only people that know are Zoe, Claudia, and Kehlani. Kehlani and Mariana have become best friends and tell each other everything.

Kehlani knows that Mari and Bil haven't had sex yet or said the L-word. Kehlani keeps showing Mariana wedding dresses for when Bil and Mari get married which is no time soon. Anyway, that's a catch up to everything that has been going on. Right now, Billie is laughing it off with Natalie and Mariana ain't liking it.

Mariana POV

1:30 Pm. Afternoon
"Kehlani, I don't know what else to do. She keeps saying no!" I tell Kehlani, I'm frustrated as hell with Billie because she keeps dismissing me when all I want to do is have my fine ass girlfriend fuck me. "Give me an idea, to make her want to."

"Say something to make her turn her head or like some kinky shit." Kehlani says.

"I tried that already."

"Wear lingerie."

"Tried that too."

"Seduce her."

"Lani, I already tried that! Why won't she just have sex with me!?"


Billie POV

I'm with Claudia and Zoe in my room and we're talking about our next mission which is for me to go into the Columbo's warehouse and steal their drugs. Zoe decides to bring up Mariana.

"Bils, have you and Mariana done it yet?"


"Not yet!? It's been 7 months!"

"I haven't. She's been dropping hints left and right and trying to seduce me but I won't go through with it."

"Come on Billie, it's me, Claudia, tell me the reason why you won't go into the bed with her?"

"I just don't want to." Zoe's phone pings and she groans in annoyance and says "Ariana's mad at me again. I gotta go" Now it was just me and Claudia.

"Come on Billie, tell me the truth. Why won't you?"

I sigh and say "I don't want to hurt her. Not even in sex just in general. Claudia ever since mom dad and Finn died. I'm not happy at all I can't be happy. I miss them every day. But Mariana helps me forgets these things. When she walks into a room, my heart flutters, when I hear or see her in pain. I'm in pain. I forget about the gang life when I'm around her. When we're together just talking, she's not talking to Billie Gambino she's just talking to Billie. I don't want to move too fast because if we do. I'm afraid she'll see something in me she doesn't like and leave. I can't risk it, Claudia. I just can't." Claudia sighs and grabs my hands and looks at me.

"Billie, don't you see it? You're in love with Mariana."

"In love? I don't know what love feels like."

"Everything you just said proved that you love her. Your heart flutters and she makes you happy. You're realizing that you love her and can't live without her." Claudia gets up and leaves the room leaving me wondering, do I really love her? Can I live without her?

My thoughts get interrupted by knocking on the door and I shout come in, the door opens and Mariana is standing in front of me but she looks upset.

I shoot up and go to her "Mamas what's wrong? Why do you look so upset?" She sniffles and asks me "Billie, do you not like me? Is that why you won't have sex with me?"

Mariana POV

I asked Billie and she says "No! Your body is perfect, there's nothing wrong with you. It's just... I don't know"

"What don't you know? It's been 7 months, Billie, what don't you like about me. Am I too ugly, not small enough for you? Not tan enough? Not sexy enough? Not like Nat-"

"Stop! It's not any of that! I'm scared Alright. I'm just scared."

"Of what?"

The thought of you leaving me, Mariana, I can't live without you and I don't want to rush anything with you. I..." She pauses for a moment.

"You what Billie?"

"I love you."

"I-i love you too. I've always had Billie." She walks up to me and kisses me passionately and I kiss back and our lips move in sync. I feel Billie's hand pulling at the hem of my shirt.

Oh shit! It's about to go down!! Bye bitches Sayyora gotta go eat.

You Don't Know Me [Billie Eilish AU] [✅ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now