Chapter 58: "This is it."

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Many Months Later

Mariana POV

This is it. The day I become a Gambino, never in my life did I think I would marry anyone, let alone Billie. But right now, all of us have to go downstairs. By all, I mean Me, Billie, Zoe and Kehlani. We have no idea why, but Billie's parents says it was an order. Billie doesn't even know and she knows everything. 

I walk downstairs to my twin boys Jayden and Hades running around. They're only a year old and already causing havoc. I see Emilia punching the air, practicing formations, completely ignoring her brothers running around her.

I smile at her a little and Kehlani says "Come on, let's go." I shake my head following her into the huge office. I walk in seeing Billie smacking Zoe in her head and Zoe is laughing. "Okay, girls. That's enough. This is serious." Maggie says and they start to settle down.

We all sit and Patrick says "As you guys know, two very important people are getting married today."

"I wonder who." Zoe mutters and Billie slaps her shoulder laughing a little.

"I have a question I've been meaning to ask." Billie says. "Yes Billie, and it better not be a dumb question." Maggie says.

"Was I really born with a dick? Like for real?" She asks and I burst out laughing. "Yes Billie, you were born with a di- penis." Maggie says.

"Okay, cause that shit feels fake. I can't feel it." She says looking down. "Um, that's weird. Do you know why?" Maggie asks.

"Oh, I know exactly why!" Billie says before looking at me.

"Sorry?" I say.


Billie POV

I breathe out heavily as I look at myself in the huge mirror. Oh my god, I'm really getting married. I see my mom come in by looking in the mirror. She puts her hand on my shoulder, "Nervous?" She asks and I nod.

"Why? You're getting married. I've been waiting for this day since the day you were born." Mom says and I smile a little "Uh, mom? What is marriage like? Do you like being married?" I ask mom and she looks at me confused. "Billie, I love being to your father, yes they are fights here and there. But the one thing we never disagree on is how much we love each other."

I nod and she cups my face kissing my forehead and she walks out. Alright, time to get married Billie.

Mariana POV

I look at myself in the mirror letting out a sigh. This is the moment. "Alright, the ceremony is about to start. Patrick will walk Mari down the aisle." The wedding planner says. I take a peak out of the window to see the hundreds of people sitting down waiting for me to come out.

I see celebrities that are secretly in the Mafia like Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, SZA, Beyonce, Kardashians, Jenners. I see Billie giving a fake smile when someone hugs her. She's not the biggest hugger. "Yay! Hugs!" She says trying to fake being excited. I chuckle a little and everyone starts to settle down as the wedding march music comes on.

"Alright, get ready." Lani pokes my cheek. Emilia and Kourtney Kardashian's daughter Penelope walk down the aisle throwing rose petals as the flower girls. I see the set up couples walk down the aisles and its my turn. No turning back. Patrick and I lock elbows and he proceeds to walk me down the aisle.

I walk down the aisle shyly as I hear gasps and immediately my anxiety levels go through the roof. I smirk and continue to walk, Billie looks at me and laughs a little saying "You look sexy!" People in the front chuckle and we finally arrive at the front.

"Alright, that's enough. Give me my wife." Billie says before grabbing my wrist and pulling me in front of her and I widen my eyes and I stand in front of her laughing a little.

The pastor clears his throat and says "Dearly beloved, we have all gathered here to witness the marriage of Billie Gambino and Mariana Rodriguez. Now the vows. Billie, do you take Mariana as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Billie says "I, Billie Gambino take you, Mariana Rodriguez for my wedded wife. To love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. From this day forward." 

Then the pastor faces me. "Do you take Billie as your lawfully wedded wife?" He says. "I, Mariana Rodriguez take you, Billie Gambino for my wedded wife. To love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. From this day forward."

I see a tear fall down Billie's cheek and I wipe it away with my thumb. "Aww... are you crying? That's so cute!" Kim says. Billie snaps her head "I'm not crying. I- uh- I'm just allergic to the petals on the floor." Billie says as she rolls her eyes. 

The pastor looks up after chuckling a little. "Are there any objections towards this marriage?" He asks and I look to see Nicole and Natalie's mouth are being covered, so we can't hear them. "No!" I hear a voice and I see it's from Emilia.

"What's wrong Ems?" Billie asks Emilia with the little nickname. "The flowers are finished, I'm sorry." Emilia says as she starts picking them up with Stormi and North.

"I am honored to pronounce you as wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Billie leans in and connects our lips. This kiss was not like one of our regular kisses. It wasn't full of lust, it was passionate. The kiss of marriage. We pull away and Finneas says.

"He said kiss the bride, not make out with her." Billie pushes him a little. "Oh shut up. You practically started to undress Claudia at your wedding." She says. Finneas shrugs "Heh. can't help it. By the way, we fucked pretty hard that night too." 

I gag. "I do not want to hear about my sister's sex life." Billie makes a face "If Claudia's with this doofus, she doesn't have a sex life." She points to Finneas.

I hear a gun being cocked and I'm alert, who would have a gun? I guess Billie heard too because she reaches for her gun in her pants of her white tuxedo. I look back to see a flying bullet coming my way. This is it. It's over, everything in the world moves in slow motion with the bullet still coming my way and it's destined to pierce my chest.

I feel me being pushed harshly. I hear the sound of a bullet piercing skin and hear screams. But it didn't hit me. Someone took the bullet. The person falls on top of me and I look and I see a body with the black hair with green roots. 

It has to be someone else,  it can't be Billie. I move the hair quickly from their face to see that my wife has been is not responding to me calling her. Billie's eyes are fluttering open and closing. "I'm s-sorry." She says weakly, I nod "It's ok, don't say anything, just save your breath. You'll be fine." I tell her softly and she nods slowly. 

I look to see where the bullet hit her. It hit her in her chest, aimed at her heart. I look back up to see Billie eye's are closing slowly. "No, don't close your eyes. D-don't close them. Please." 

Billie eyes close and I feel her body go limp in my arms. "NO!" I yell with agony and pain laced in my voice. It was supposed to be me. Not Billie, but me.

Uh... I'm sorry? I almost cried writing this. I literally have no words to say.

You Don't Know Me [Billie Eilish AU] [✅ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now