Chapter 4 Puppies and Peter

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Tony's Pov:

"What time is it?" I asked hoping Jay was going to say it was like 6 am so I could sleep for another hour. I haven't slept that good since before the portal.

"It's about 9 am." My eyes shot open because that was not Jarvis and the pillow my head was laying on was breathing. I sat up and looked at Strange...

"I don't remember inviting you into my bed," I said and he smiled closing his book.

"You didn't need to Anthony." He said winking and getting up...What the fuck? I got up as well following Strange and realized his cloak was laying on my shoulders.

"Why is it on me?" I asked as we walked to the kitchen.

"It likes you," Strange said. Bruce looked up as we entered the kitchen.

"Morning," Bruce said.

"Hey Tones, you sleep ok?" Rhodey asked as he sat next to...T'Challa...What!? We already know him? Sam sat on his other side which I thought was funny because of the whole cat and bird thing.

"Yeah," I said.

"Want some pancakes?" Steve asked and I raised a brow when I saw Barnes was the one cooking.

"Bucky likes to cook." Bruce said.

"Sure." I said because what's the worst that could happen?

"So what's everyone's plans for today?" Steve asked.

"I have to call my father later just to check in but I will mostly be spending time with birdy," T'Challa said.

"I guess I'm spending time with the kitty cat." Sam said. Uh...

"I'm going to dinner with Pepper and Happy to tell them what's happened," Rhodey said and I frowned. That's going to be awkward as fuck.

"Going to go see my wife," Barton said.

"I have a mission I'm leaving for at noon, probably be a couple days," Natasha said.

"Thor and Loki are going out with me to explore Midgard," Bruce said.

"Bucky and I are going out for the first time. He needs to be around people." Steve said.

"Pancakes," Bucky said sitting a plate down with blueberry pancakes, with bacon on the top smothered in syrup. I sat down immediately because these are my fucking favorite.

"You know for someone from a different Universe you act a lot like our Tony," Barton said.

"You think that's weird. I have the same past as his Rhodey." Rhodey said as I made a hum as the pancakes touched my taste buds.

"What are you doing today, Tony?" Sam asked.

"Strange has not said what he is doing as well," T'Challa said.

"Because I don't have to tell you," Strange said making a portal and leaving...well then.

"Why is he always so distant?" Barton asked.

"Maybe he just doesn't like us," Steve said.

"He seems ok with Bruce and me," Rhodey said.

"He's really close to Tony," Barnes said.

"I'm going to visit a home for children that have lost parents...Probably donate some money while I'm there." I said shrugging.

"Good to know Tony is still giving no matter what universe he comes from," Barton said. Wow...I have never been called giving before.

That Magic Mind(Iron Strange)  Fanfic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now