Chapter 19 Space

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Tony's Pov:

"Alright, Peter, Loki and Bruce have left," Stephen said as I sat tensely on the couch.

"Fuck," I said my anxiety crawling on my back.

"Hey, You'll be ok," Stephen said and I bit my lip nodding.

"If something happens..." I started to say.

"Don't, nothing will happen," Stephen said. I jumped when my phone started ringing and Steve walked in. I shakily answered the phone looking at Stephen.

"Stark, It's noon," Hill said.

"Your point?" I sassed...Great just be sassy Tony Stark.

"Are you coming?" Hill asked and I heard talking in the background.

"Can't just force him Hill, He's been through a lot." I heard Coulson say in the background and damn, he's just a great guy.

"Stark?" Hill hissed.

"No," I said.

"No?" Hill asked.

"No, so if you're coming you better bring some big guns," I said.

"You leave me no choice Stark," Hill said and hung up making my stomach twist.

"So?" Steve asked.

"She said I left her no choice and hung up," I said.

"Be ready," Steve said in the commlink and I felt myself sitting on the edge of a panic attack. It took an hour before the power to the tower was cut off meaning I had no Jarvis and would have to go get my suit manually. Stephen was tense standing next to me and Steve's shield was at the ready when I heard gunshots...They're shooting at us!

"We got a problem," Nat said in the comms. Yeah it's called bullets!

"What?" Steve asked.

"They took T'Challa down with some kind of shock device," Natasha said.

"Look out!" Sam said and I tensed hearing the comms crackle and gunfire somewhere below. The door to the stairwell burst open and out came fully armored Shield agents pointing guns at us. Stephen tensed and shoved me behind him which kind of pissed me off. That's when Hill walked in looking at Steve...

"Stand down Captain or Barnes will also be coming with us as well," Hill said and Captain looked at me. I knew he was going to choose Bucky over me since he did it before but I don't blame him.

"Move Doctor," Hill said and Stephen tensed his hands sparkling with magic.

"Just leave Tony alone," Steve said surprising me.

"We've already taken both our agents," Hill said and I glared at her. She fucking took Natasha and Clint. Where's Thor?

"I'll ask again...Move Doctor or else." Hill said and I took a step back looking around us seeing the agents had moved to circle us in...So much for getting my armor.

"No," Stephen said.

"Fine...Just like the Asgardian." Hill said and that was when all hell broke lose someone shot a net at Stephen and he cried out as it shocked the shit out of him while Steve deflected the one at him and rolled taking out a soldier but that wasn't what I was talking about...No me seeing blue as I looked from Steph's body to Hill. I felt cold but this time I didn't give a flying fuck as I took a step toward her. Hill's eyes widened and the shoulders shot at me my hands moving out on instinct and created portals making the bullets go into space...Space...Space...I'm in Space again. It's cold but Stephen is hurt and this cold is not killing me but giving me life.

"TAKE HIM DOWN!" Hill shouted and I snarled flinging my hands into the air apparently not able to just make portals but to mess with space itself as the gravity shifted and all the soldiers shot up slamming against the ceiling before I let them fall.

"Tony?!" I heard someone holler as I advanced and something hit me and it stung but I was numb because it's cold and it's made me numb. Hill looked panicked as she backed up and something hit me in the shoulder then something different hit me in the neck. I felt it try to shock me but I couldn't feel it...I ripped it off my neck angrily everything was dark and I was in space. The edges of Hill blurred and it was space...Black and cold. I grabbed Hill by the neck and could so easily break her neck like a toothpick but something grabbed me and shoved me back. Rogers was standing in between us his eyes wide as he looked at me.

"Wake up Strange," Roger said and I rushed him slamming a fist into the shield making a loud noise as blue seemed to spark off the shield. Rogers' eyes were wide but fuck him...FUCK ROGERS! He left me here in this cold. He left me to die. I felt the shield give with a groan and Steve jerked it away trying to hit me but I dodged and tried hitting him but he blocked it. Fucking! GET OUT OF MY WAY! I slammed both fists on the shield making a loud PANG! As I was sent backward and so was Rogers. I got up and glared at him but he wasn't my target...I saw Hill standing over Stephen and snarled taking off but Steve got in my way again.

"Tony, you need to calm down...This isn't you." Steve said.

"Move!" I snapped and that's when something hit me in the neck and Steve's eyes widened. Everything went dark and I felt myself falling...I was falling into space...

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