Chapter 15 Yes, After

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Bruce's Pov:

"Do you think something is going on with T'Challa and Sam?" Peter asked and I looked at him. I followed his eyes to see the two watching a movie and eating popcorn.

"If there is then I really don't long as they are happy," I said looking back down at my book.

"Are you happy?" Peter asked making me look up at him again.

"I mean...It's nice to be able to shower and sleep without having to fear being woken up by the military." I said.

"That's not really an answer," Peter said.

"I'm happy," I said.

"Are you lonely?" Peter asked and I stared at him. Why was this kid asking me these questions?

"Peter, why are you asking me these questions?" I asked.

"I just don't want you to be alone," Peter said then Loki walked into the room his puppy sitting on his head...How is that dog balancing on his head?

"I wish Tony and Strange would get back," I said and Loki looked at me.

"Hold Korg," Loki said handing the puppy to Peter. Peter laughed when it started to give him kisses. I watched Loki as he pushed his sleeves back making me wonder what the hell he was doing when he made a portal. Strange fell through first then Tony landed on him shirtless and had bruises on his neck.

"LOKI!" Tony shouted looking pissed while Strange just looked annoyed.

"Oh my god," Peter said covering his eyes. Tony and Strange looked at him then realized there position because Tony was straddling Strange while Strange was holding on to Tony's hips. Plus the bruising on his neck is clearly hickeys... Tony and Strange started freaking out as they separated quickly or tried to but just kind of kept tripping over each other. I let out a laugh watching them and Loki looked at me just as amused.

"Pete...Hey." Tony said finally standing up and leaned against the counter, face completely red.

"Smooth," I said and Tony frowned.

"Not cool," Tony said looking at Loki.

"Bruce needed a laugh," Loki said.

"Was pretty funny," I said and Tony acted like I just told him I was leaving.

"Bruce, Why? I thought we were bros." Tony said dramatically and swooned as Strange caught him.

"Look what you have done," Strange said and I laughed. These two are made for each other. I rolled my eyes and saw Tony's chest was healed completely...The stone must have done that.

"Are you feeling better, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked.

"Please, I'm Ironman nothing can keep me down long," Tony said making a heroic pose.

"...Sure, Mr. Stark." Peter said looking like he didn't believe Tony at all.

"Why does he call you that if you are his father?" Loki asked.

"Uh," Tony said and looked at Peter.

"Call him Irondad," Strange said laughing when Tony gave him a look.

"You two should get married," Peter said and Tony sputtered face going a hilarious red while Strange's cheeks turned a slight red.

"I like this mortal...I might steal him." Loki said looking at Peter proudly.

"Are you guy's dating yet?" Peter asked and Tony looked like a fish out of the water as his mouth opened and closed several times.

"We did go on a date," Strange said.

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