Chapter 28 Hospital

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Tony's Pov:

Everything hurts...Everything was blurry as I opened my eyes. People in blue running around and then I saw Christine look down at me. Oh...I must be at Steph's hospital. I tried to smile at her but everything hurt but I saw her smile. Her eyes looked watery though and someone was putting a thing on my face...Where's Steph? Everything went dark and the last thing was Christine's teary eye'd face and I swore I heard her say "He needs you, hold on." I fell into the darkness letting the cold caress me till I fell onto a chair...What?

"Hello, Stark." Some bald woman greeted me.

"Should I know you?" I asked.

"Not at all but I'm just here to send you back." She said.

"Send me back?" I asked.

"Yes, you are actually dead right now and the woman Christine is desperately trying to bring you back." She said.

"FUCK!" I said.

"It's not your time and it won't be for a while." She said and walked toward me.

"That's good," I said.

"Say hi to Strange for me." She said before shoving me off the chair and I fell. I woke up again but I think a lot of time passed but I wasn't sure. I looked around bleary-eyed and saw some people in blue walking around me again.

"I don't care! I'm going to fucking fix him!" Christine yelled from somewhere...Am I hurt?

"Am I hurt?" I croaked and I heard gasps. Christine was suddenly in my view eyes wide.

"Oh god. Get him back under!" Christine snapped...Ah, I woke up in the middle of surgery or something...Maybe I should help...I reached for my magic but it didn't respond., maybe I'll see the bald lady again. Everything went dark again after a few minutes. I woke up again to hear someone pleading or begging but I didn't stay awake long.

"Tell him," I mumbled hoping the person would tell him as my world went dark again.

"Stephen, He will be ok. Go home and take a shower. His blood is still all over you. Don't give me that look." I heard Christine say. I felt a shaky hand holding mine tightly and Steph never answered her. I heard Christine sigh and I wondered if I could talk.

"Go...take...a damn shower." I croaked eye cracking open enough to see Steph's head shoot up to look at me. He was the one I had heard crying earlier...Now I feel like an ass.

"Oh god, Anthony," Steph said his grip tightening. I closed my eyes and tried opening them again finding it a fight as I opened them more to see Steph's red eyes.

"Don't oh god me...go take...a shower." I croaked and closed my eyes again feeling exhausted just over that little exchange. I must have fallen asleep again next time I woke up I heard several people talking.

"Hill is no longer in charge." Is that Coulson?

"Good." Nat hissed from somewhere.

"How is he?" Coulson asked.

"In and out a lot," Clint said from somewhere.

"He'll probably be doing it a while." I heard Bruce say. I'm guessing Steph is the one holding my hand.

"I'm sorry...I took over and we are doing a full wipe. Can't believe Hill was working with Hydra." Coulson sighed. I realized someone was holding my other hand and fidgeting with it.

"Are we going to have any more problems with Shield?" I heard Bruce ask somewhere.

"No, We don't care what you have as powers as long as you use them for good," Coulson said.

That Magic Mind(Iron Strange)  Fanfic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now