Chapter 16 Talking and Singing

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Stephen's Pov:

"I don't think Tony should go at all," Bruce said.

"I agree," Sam said.

"I do as well." Steve said.

"Same, I used to work for them," Clint said and Natasha nodded.

"He doesn't have a choice," Bucky growled.

"Which is a sign he shouldn't go," Bruce said.

"Oooo look what you made me do look what you made me do." Peter sang and everyone glanced at him as he jammed out with his headphones on.

"I don't have a choice which is why I'm asking Mr. Mischief here if switching the reactor will do anything," Anthony said.

"It will have ill effects," Loki said.

"Like?" Anthony asked and I was already against the idea...any ill effects are a no go for me.

"Think of it like this say your body ingests what you call caffeine in high doses every day. Now take that caffeine away and what happens?" Loki asked.

"Headaches," Bruce said.

"Although this will be different. The stone is feeding you even now. Not to mention you being human usually stones turn you to dust." Loki said.

"What?" Anthony asked.

"It is constantly giving you energy although small but still If you take it away it will cause ill effects. I'm unsure what they'd be since I've never met anyone with an Infinity stone embedded in a powerful item that is embedded in their chest not to mention your reactor has its own mystical qualities which may be changing the effects of the stone as well. Just be glad we don't have to vacuum you off the floor." Loki said.

"'s a bad idea?" Clint asked.

"Did you not hear anything I said?" Loki hissed.

"Fuck." Anthony groaned.

"Had to have high, high hopes for a living, Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing." Peter sang loudly then started humming.

"So we tell Shield to fuck off," Sam said.

"I don't want any of you getting hurt because of me," Anthony said running his hand through his hair as everyone's gazes got soft then changed to a determined look.

"We aren't letting them take you, Tony." Steve said.

"Fuck them." Bucky said.

"I'll kill them if they touch you." Natasha said.

"We are not letting your ass go anywhere with them." Clint said.

"I can toss them out some windows." Bruce said.

"I shall strike them down." Thor said.

"We got you, man," Sam said and everyone looked at Loki who sighed.

"Fine, I guess I can help," Loki said but had a small smile when Bruce smiled at him. I looked at Anthony and saw his stunned face and the tears gathering in his eyes.

"Over! the castle on the hill!" Peter shouted suddenly startling us all.

"PETE!" Anthony shouted and Peter looked up taking a headphone out.

"Yeah?" Peter asked.

"I want you to hang out with Bruce tomorrow," Anthony said.

"Oh yeah, sure," Peter said popping the earphone back in.

"Bruce take him far from here," Anthony said.

"Thanks," Bruce said.

"Hey, I know you'd fight for me but you've told me several times you are not a fighter plus I don't want Peter here," Anthony said.

"Yeah, let's not involve the ten-year-old," Clint said and everyone nodded.

"Should you and Strange disappear?" Steve asked Anthony.

"I'm not going to hide while my teammates fight my problem," Anthony said.

"We have till tomorrow...We should all get ready." Steve said.

"What should Peter and I do?" Bruce asked Anthony.

"Look into some of the schools nearby he keeps saying he wants to go to a public school." Anthony and Bruce nodded. Everyone started talking to each other and Anthony turned to look at me. Those chocolate caramel eyes looking at me with desire. I smiled and pulled him close to me.

"Shall we return to bed?" I purred and felt Anthony shutter.

"Yes," Anthony whispered looking up at me.

Bruce's Pov:

"Maybe you should come with me," I said looking at Loki.

"Are you worried about my well being?" Loki asked.

"It'd be nice to have company," I said and Loki raised his brow.

"You'll have Peter," Loki said.

"I know but I mean...I'm not good in crowds," I said and Loki stared at me.

"If you want then I shall tag along," Loki said and I sighed in relief.

"Thanks," I said looking at Loki and he was looking at me oddly.

"Of course," Loki said and then walked out of the room...He's acting weird.

Meanwhile, T'Challa is out on a mission by himself but it's ok cause Sam shall always send him cute pictures

Meanwhile, T'Challa is out on a mission by himself but it's ok cause Sam shall always send him cute pictures

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