Chapter 24 Music

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Stephen's Pov:

"Let go of me dammit!" I looked up to see The Cloak of Levitation carrying Anthony into the room.

"It likes you," I said.

"It's molesting me," Anthony said trying to fight the cloak off when it dropped Anthony on the floor with a loud thump.

"Maybe I was wrong about it liking you," I said sipping my tea as Anthony groaned.

"I hate everything." Anthony mumbled.

Tony's Pov:

"I hate magic." I groaned.

"Here drink this?" Steph said handing me...tea.

"How is leaf water going to help?" I asked.

"Just drink it," Steph said and I rolled my eyes. I took a sip surprised it didn't taste like watered down leaf.

"Is this going to happen every time I use magic?" I asked.

"If you overexert yourself," Stephen said running his gloved hand through my hair.

"That's nice. I like it more without the glove." I said leaning into Steph's touch. He took the gloves off and started running his hand through my hair again. I sighed closing my eyes and wished I could just stay like this forever.

"I'd let you'd have a day of bed rest but we do have a time limit," Stephen said.

"I know...I hope they are ok." I said opening my eyes.

"We can work on some simple things," Steph said.

"Like?" I asked.

"Focusing on your magic and getting better at manifesting it," Steph said.

"I'm not good at focusing," I said.

"I'm sure you can find something to help you focus," Steph said.

**One Hour Later**

**AC/DC Thunderstruck Intensifies**

"Thunder," I whispered focusing my magic as the music kicked up.

"Seriously Anthony?" Steph asked stopping my music.

"It's how I focus," I said.

"Too Hard Rock?" Stephen asked.

"He's not joking," Bruce said sitting nearby reading a book.

"Fine," Steph said hitting play again.

"Thunderstruck!" I sang and Stephen facepalmed.

Stephen's Pov:

"Heavy Rock?" Wong asked.

"He said it helps him focus." I sighed.

"How?" Wong asked.

"I don't know, Bruce says he does it all the time," I said.

"I'm more of a Beyonce man," Wong said making me look at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Christina Aguilera as well," Wong said.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes, Have you heard Fighter? Best song." Wong said.

"Good song." I jumped hearing Anthony behind me.

"I know," Wong said.

"Very powerful," Anthony said.

"Anthony, you like Christina Aguilera?" I asked.

"Hell yeah! I AM A FIGHTER! I AIN'T GONNA STOP!" Anthony sang and I felt my cheeks heat up at his singing voice.

"There is no turning back! I've had enough!" Wong sang which ruined it.

"Please stop," I said.

"I am going to have to introduce you to music," Anthony said.

"I heard Loki listening to the Gorillaz," Wong said and I am so confused.

"Shouldn't you be practicing?" I asked and Anthony pouted.

"Shouldn't you be teaching me?" Anthony sassed.

"Oh yes, I can teach you lots of things." I winked and Anthony flushed.

"I'll leave now," Wong said getting up and leaving.

That Magic Mind(Iron Strange)  Fanfic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now