Chapter 27 Not Again

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Tony's Pov:

"Come on in we can talk sweet thing," I said winking at the agent. Natasha raised an eyebrow as I took a step back allowing the guards in. Once all three walked in I waited as the one closest to me got some handcuffs out. I looked at them...One right next to me, the second one on my other side and the third one near the door...Have to be fast. I slammed my shield into the one next to me and flung one at the other guy next to me. The third guy made a run for the door but I put a shield between him and the door before slamming him into the wall with it.

"HOLY FUCK!" Clint said looking shocked.

"What happened?" T'Challa asked as I grabbed the key's off the guard whistling as I walked out of my cell.

"As much as I loved my stay I think it's time we check out," I said and Nat smiled.

Stephen's Pov:

"I can't just sit here and do nothing!" I snapped.

"What do you suggest we do!?" Wong yelled.

"Anything!" I yelled back.

"We can't just rush in! You're letting your feelings get in the way!" Wong snapped.

"Don't you dare say that! You have this happen to you and tell me how you just want to sit by and do nothing!" I snapped.

"SHUT UP!" Loki snapped and we both looked over to him. Bruce was curled up breathing to try and calm himself.

"Sorry." I sighed.

"Mr. Stark will get out. This is like his 20th time he's been kidnapped." Peter said.

"Seriously?" Wong asked and Peter nodded.

"I just...He said it and I wasn't here to say it back or to hear him say it." I said.

"You'll be able to tell him," Wong said.

Tony's Pov:

"Fuck." Clint hissed holding his shoulder.

"You know this went a lot better in my head," I said and Nat did not look amused.

"Clint's shot," Nat said.

"How was I suppose to know they still had those darts that can take down an Asgardian?" I asked panting as I kept the shield up.

"What do we do?" T'Challa asked and I looked at Clint.

"Get ready to run," I said standing up. I waited for everyone to get ready and I made the shield bigger and then used everything in me throwing it at all the shield agents knocking them down or into the wall. I felt dizzy but kept up with the others as we ran. The world seemed to tilt for a second but I was ok. I watched as T'Challa and Bucky dragged Thor along. We turned a corner and I tossed my shield up quick as bullets rained down us. One snuck through and I growled forcing the shield to solidify better. I saw my hands shaking and the others talking...I felt the world growing distance and wished that I had trained more. Sorry, Steph...I felt the world tilt again and everything went dark.

Bruce's Pov:

"What's happening?" I whispered.

"Don't know but seems like something bad with all the gunshots," Stephen said.

"Let's just find the others and my idiot brother." Loki sighed. Stephen nodded as we moved slowly through the compound. I saw Strange's cloak suddenly flare up and move away from him.

"What?" Strange asked it. It took off fast leaving us all stunned. Then we took off after it following its path and I saw Strange freeze and his face go pale as we ran toward gunshots.

"FUCK!" I saw The others pinned down and then saw Tony bleeding on the floor next to Nat...He looked like he had been dragged across the floor. I saw something in Strange's eyes darken and he made a portal under the agents. The others seemed surprised then Nat saw the cloak near Tony.

"ANTHONY!?" Strange took off running toward Tony and I followed. I saw Clint keeping the pressure on his shoulder and Nat was holding Clint's jacket against Tony's gut. I felt my eyes widen in horror at looking at Tony...He had been shot four times. One in the shoulder, One in the leg, one in the gut, and one in the chest. The amount of blood under him told me how bad this was and Nat looked at us desperately.

"I...I don't know what to do." Nat said looking scared.

"Give him to me," Strange said and Nat nodded. Strange was so careful lifting Tony like he was glass but it didn't matter. Tony's cry of pain made all of us pale as blood spat out his mouth.

"I'll get them home," Wong said opening a portal for Strange. Strange didn't say anything as he and the cloak left.

"Oh god..." Nat said staring at the puddle of blood.

"Fucker better not die." Clint hissed.

"What happened?" I asked feeling sick.

"Tony had put up a shield but we didn't realize how exhausted he was till it was too late," Nat said.

"Only reason he wasn't worse was cause Nat dragged his ass out of the fire," Clint said and I felt my eyes watering.

"Fuck," I said biting my cheek and I felt a hand guide me. I was pulled into a hug...Loki was hugging me.

"You know...maybe if he dies here he'll go back to his universe." Clint said.

"When he does leave that means...We won't have a Tony." I said and saw all there sad faces.

Stephen's Pov:

"Christine!" I cried out begging her to be close...Begging that she could save him. Anthony...My Anthony.

"OH GOD! WE NEED A CRASH CART NOW!" Christine yelled and came over as I felt myself trying so hard to keep myself together. Anthony's blood was soaking my shirt as I clung to him. "Stephen you have to let go of him," Christine said and I let out a sob as they took him from me. I felt my hands trembling in the gloves and god...I couldn't. I fell to my knees and Christine looked like she wanted to comfort me.

"I gotta go help." She said leaving me. The cloak tightened around me trying to comfort me with a hug. He was shot in the gut and chest the amount of damage and what it could possibly hit kept running through my head.

"Please." I pleaded and stared at my bloodied hands. "I can't lose you twice...I can't." I cried remembering Anthony our Anthony and how he had trusted me...How he had went flying and I could have saved him...I could have saved him.


"Tony!?" I heard the others shout as I felt my heart drop as the entire building came down on him.

"Anthony!?" I shouted landing quickly and working to pull the rubble off. Steve was next to me then Clint joined in and eventually we uncovered him. "Anthony?" I asked and Steve ripped the front face plate off showing the blood running down the side of his face.

"Shit...Stark?" Clint asked and I swallowed. "Strange what the hell!? You were supposed to be watching his back!" Clint snapped and I looked at him.

"I...I was...It came out of nowhere." I said...right? Right? I could have saved him.

"Clint, don't blame Strange." Bucky said now joining us.

"Is he breathing?" Clint asked as Steve paled looking at us.

"Steve?" I asked.

"I...He's...gone." Steve said and I felt cold all over.

"Fuck!" Clint shouted...I am so sorry...Anthony sucked in a breath making a cough. All of us tensed as his eyes cracked open his hand moving slightly up like he was reaching for something before he passed out again.

"Shit, get him to medical!" Bucky snapped and I made a portal quickly.

End Flashback

"I can't...not again." I whispered.

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