Chapter 5

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Taehyung's POV

I knew Jimin was going to fuck this up. He has a big mouth. But I can't fault him really; he was just too excited to see his dad and it slipped out. So here I am, sitting in his living room, with his dad appraising me thoughtfully.

I'm usually socially shy around new people but his dad has such a friendly demeanour. Also, Jimin had told me of his comedic personality, so I'm aware he's sizing me up to intentionally make me feel uncomfortable for no reason.

"So you're the famous Taehyung that my son can't stop talking about?"

I nod politely, smiling my famous boxy grin that many people adore. His eyes light up when he sees it.

"You have a really unique smile Taehyung. I've only ever seen it on one other person in my life. And I'm sure you're not related to them."

"Thank you Sir."

"Hold on! Hold on! Don't call me that. I'm not your school principal. I wouldn't want to be anyway. Have you seen how he looks? I'm ten times more handsome than he."

I laugh at his silliness. He really is a funny guy. Jimin, who's sitting on the opposite couch, rolls his eyes.

"Can I call you ahjussi?" I quietly ask him.

He smiles and says that he'd rather I call him JK.

"Ahjussi feels so old. Like I'm an old toad or something." I laugh lightly.

"That's cos you are old, old man." Jimin interjects.

"Pish posh! You're as young as you feel. And I feel like I'm 25. So you can just shove it shorty!"

Jimin eye rolls once again and I laugh at their friendly dynamic. It's as though they're more friends than parent and child. It's something I haven't seen before. And I like it. I feel comfortable immediately and any sense of foreboding that I might have had, has evaporated.

As the afternoon progresses, I decide I really like Jimin's dad a lot. I think he and my appa will get on well. They seem like polar opposites. And what have I heard about opposites? Oh yeah; opposites attract.

When it's time to say goodbye, JK hugs me tightly and I see Jimin smiling so hard that his eyes disappear into his cheeks. I feel like tearing when I see his happiness. We feel the same way with unspoken words.

"This is kind of strange for me, but I usually don't react like this around people. But I have a good measure of a person, and I've decided that I really like you Taehyunggie." He smiles fondly at me.

I'm so touched with the pet name. Only my appa has ever called me that. Yet it feels so right coming from Jimin's dad. It's as though, it's how it should be. I feel a tear escape my eyes and he reaches up and catches it with his finger.

"Whoa there sailor! These are too precious to waste," he says, as he collects my tear and fake hides it in his pocket next to his heart. I smile at his silliness. He's just like Jimin.

"Thank you for having me JK. I feel... I feel so happy to have met you."

"Please don't be so formal. You're welcome any day."

I nod and Jimin jumps inbetween us and hugs me tight, just as his dad's phone goes off.

"Do you have to go already?" He pouts so cutely.

"I'll come soon. And you know you'll be at my house everyday," I smiled.

"Yeah...true." He watched as his dad took the phone call then whispered quickly, "Do it tonight. I wrote it down on this page. Type it exactly like this." He shoves a piece of paper at me and I quickly pocket it.

I wave to his dad, who's still busy on a call and wink at Jimin as I make my way home. It's a short walk and I'm back home in under 10 minutes. I smile warmly, thinking about this afternoon. I have a gut feeling that what Jimin and I are doing, is the right thing.

I quickly get out my laptop and log onto the dating app using the codes Jimin wrote down. I hack into his dad's profile and type out the message to my appa.

'Hi. Your profile seems interesting. I would like to get to know you better. Can we chat?'

My heart is beating out of my chest. That's how scared I am. I don't think appa will see this message yet as he's at work. He might only respond later anyway. I move the mouse to close the app when a notification bar appears. I tap on it and see a message. Appa replied. Shit!!!! I'm dying. I call Jimin quickly.

Jiminie!!!! Appa replied to your dad.

Yes!!! I can see dad opening the app on his phone now.

I'm so scared! What if they catch on to us? This is crazy Jiminie!

Shut up and tell me what's your appa's reply.

Okay. Okay. I'm checking it now.
He said," Hi there. I would like to chat although I am at work right now. But I went on your profile and I like it. Can we maybe chat after an hour?"

Wow! This is really happening TaeTae!! I'm gonna come over in an hour. I'll tell dad I have to check some stupid assignment or something.

Okay. Wait! Your dad replied. He said, 'Okay, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks'.

Fuck yeah! Log out and make sure you close my dad's profile first. Clear the chat history like I showed you. I'll see you later.

I end the call and do as he instructed. I can't keep still so I decide to play some Need for Speed : No limits.
I'm so absorbed in my game that I don't realise that Jimin is already at the door, until he throws a pebble at the window trying to get my attention.

"What the fuck Taehyung? I'm waiting here for five minutes already!"

"I'm sorry Jiminie. I was so nervous, I decided to play some games to get my mind off of our parents."

He smiled softly.

"I know you're worried. Don't get so scared okay? It's going to work out. I promise. I just know that they are going to love each other." He pulls me close for a hug and I hold him tight.

"I hope so Jiminie."

"Come on! Let's get out your laptop and check if they've chatted again. My dad didn't say anything about receiving a request from someone to chat. Maybe he'll wait to tell me until they've chatted for a while."

"Maybe...Jiminie, what if they don't like each other?"

He sighs heavily.

"Don't be a pessimist TaeTae. Hope for the best. Plus, we both like each other and we're their sons. I'm sure they will get along too."

I think about what Jimin said and open my laptop. While he logs into the profile, I can't help but think negatively. I can't really help that. It's my nature to think of the worst in things. I send a silent prayer to the Gods before I here Jimin squeal...


I'm sorry for not updating sooner

How are you enjoying their different dynamics?

Did you notice the different relationships?

Btw, congratulations to BTS for winning big at the MMA 2019 and that awesome performance!
I only have one thing to say, "Seokjin's forehead!"  ❤

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😘

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