Chapter 6

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Seokjin's POV

My mind keeps going back to the conversation I had with Jimin that day. The innocent questions that he asked, stirred facets of my memory that I had long ago, dead and buried. A time when we were innocently in love with life. We were free to be with each other but then the tragedy of our fate destroyed that pure innocence.

Why am I reliving the past in my mind? A place that I can never go back to; though I long for it, yearn for it sometimes. I wish I could go back to my love and have a do over. But we can't retrieve our past, neither do I have a time machine. The sad reality of our fate.

I'm on my fifteen minute break in the ref when I hear a ding go off in my pocket. I pull down the notification bar and I'm pleasantly surprised to see that I have a message from the dating app that Jimin installed for me. I check out the person's profile before I respond.

A biomedical engineering technologist. Hmmm....impressive. Someone who is in my field of sorts. I see that it is a man but there's no profile picture attached. Probably cautious like me or maybe an online creep. Jimin warned me against those. His profile name intrigued me, 'BunnyBoy'. I smiled and decided to send him an invitation to accept a chat. But I'm still on my shift. I'll get to him later.

My heart warms a little when I see he replied almost instantaneously that he was looking forward to our chat later. I'm working in trauma tonight but it's been a slow shift so I'm going to catch some valuable shut eye before I text BunnyBoy.

On cue, my alarm goes off an hour later and I freshen up before checking if there are any new cases. When I'm satisfied that I'm not needed, I take out my phone and send BunnyBoy a message:

Hi there Bunnyboy 😊

4 minutes later

Hey HandsomeDoc 💕

So I'm new to this dating app. Maybe you can guide me as to how this works?

Well...It's really up to you and I. We can chat here first, get to know each other a little bit and when we're comfortable enough to meet, we can arrange that.

Wow! Thanks. You seem pretty clued up as to how this works.

I've used this app before. Let me just ease your mind and tell you that I'm not an internet creep or a stalker.

And just by you saying that should put my mind at ease?

No. I don't expect it to. But there is a setting on the app to check if there are any warnings on my profile. Just thought I would be transparent with you. Helps to build trust.

Thank you for that. I didn't expect to meet someone nice this easily. You seem like a good guy.

Don't be fooled yet. Get to know me a little better first then you can decide if I'm not a serial rapist and murderer.

Okay. That seems fair. So, tell me a little bit about yourself Bunnyboy 😉

Well, let's see. I'm a single father of a sixteen year old boy. I work as a biomedical engineer at a hospital. I just got back from training so I'm joining a new hospital this week.
It's now years since I've been divorced and I decided to start dating again.

We have some things in common then.  I'm also a single father with a sixteen year old son. Isn't that a coincidence? I've just joined a hospital after I received a promotion. I'm a surgeon. My wife died about 4 years ago.

I'm sorry to hear that 😯

Thank you. She really was a very special person. So, my son's friend set me on this app. I guess, hoping for me to join the rest of the mortal world. I usually don't have much time to date as I work a lot.

Your son's friend? That sounds a lot like something my son would do 😆 But I think I have to thank him or I might not have met someone like you here. I can understand that your schedule is probably hectic.

He's actually a really sweet child. And you're right, I'm going to have to thank him for this. I hope we can be good friends. I don't have many as I'm new to the city.

Friends? That's all? 😉

Well, in the beginning at least. You never know where it can lead I suppose.

I like your spirit! I think we can be great friends. Please tell me more about yourself. I usually get many pervs on here looking for a quick fuck, so I've been disillusioned with this app. I actually forgot I had it still.

Well I'm glad you didn't delete it. Listen, I know this may sound forward but I actually would like to meet you if it's at all possible. I promise I'm not a stalker either. I just feel it will make this simpler on us. We can meet and if we like what we see, we can continue to chat instead of wasting each others' time. What do you say?

I suppose what you're saying does make sense. I wouldn't usually do that but seeing as how we're both in the same city, it should be okay. When would you like to meet up?

Thanks. How about tomorrow at 3pm at The Koffee Klopper on 25th Street? Do you know the place?

That sounds good. Yeah, I know it well. How will I know it's you? I mean, we haven't exchanged any pics.

Let's keep it as a surprise? What do you say?

Okay. I'll wear a yellow rose on my lapel. That way, when you see me and don't like me, you can run away before I see you 😀 How's that sound?'re funny. I'm not so harsh though. I won't run off, promise. Scout's honour! ✌ I'll carry a yellow rose in my hand so you'll know it's me. By the way, why a yellow rose?

Scout's honour? I haven't heard that in forever. But I'll take your word for it. A yellow rose, cos yellow is the symbol of friendship. If anything, we can remain friends if we don't decide to date. How's that sound?

Sounds good. I have to go now as it's my shift. I'll look forward to seeing you Bunnyboy 🐰

As I you, HandsomeDoc 💕

End of Seokjin POV


Jimin and Taehyung looked at the laptop screen, stunned. They never expected that things would escalate this soon. Their fathers were going to meet tomorrow? Were they ready for it? And how were they going to know what was the outcome?


So, what do you think swties? Do you think they're moving too fast?
Should they chat more before actually meeting? Poll here ➡

Thank you for all your votes and comments. You guys make my day 💞

I purple you 💜


Love Swty😘

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