Chapter 21

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Credit to jinsu_4bangtan
Thank you swtie 😙💖

WARNING: Slight mature content below.

Seokjin filled his lover up to the brim. He continued to move inside of him, not wanting to end this feeling of ecstasy that only Jungkook could give him. Jungkook's moans started becoming heavier and Jin could feel himself hardening once again. He moved a little faster, capturing Jungkook's sexy lips with his own, biting down and smirking when he stifled a moan.

He twirked his nipple and Jungkook cried out in pain.

"Aaaah no babe! Please don't do that! It hurts so bad." Jungkook began to cry and Jin looked at his lover with concern. He pulled out and cupped his face lovingly.

"Hey..hey .... poppy. What's wrong? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry my angel," he kissed Jungkook softly and wiped his tears away gently. Jungkook sniffed and leaned in, hugging Jin close. He didn't know why he was feeling this way.

"I'm sorry Jinnie. Everything hurts," and he cried some more.

Seokjin held him tightly but not too tight. He didn't want to hurt his baby anymore. His medical training kicked in.

"Tell me where it hurts love?"

He prodded on certain spots and when Jungkook moaned in pain, Jin knew something was wrong.

"I think we need to go to the hospital for a check up poppy. This doesn't look good."

"Can we go in the morning? I just don't feel like it right now."

"Of course baby. Anything you want." He kissed him softly. "What can I get you my love?"

"Can I have some ice cream please? Some mint chocolate with strawberry sprinkles?" Jungkook was smiling happily.

Seokjin was taken aback. Jungkook hated mint and strawberries. And that combination felt way off. He looked at his lover with a deeper concern etched in his worried face.

"Baby, how long have your nipples been sore?"

Jungkook thought about it. "For a week maybe. Just on and off. And I've been feeling wretched every morning this whole week as well."

"Poppy...I think you might be pregnant." He smiled at his shocked lover.

"W-what!? I-I can't be! We used protection."

"Not always baby. Like now...we didn't use any."

There was a few minutes of stunned silence while the lovers processed this information. They were going to have a so many years.

"Babe, I'm scared. My age is against me. The last time .... the last time I was 20. I don't know....I can't do this...I'm scared Jinnie!"

"Calm down my sweetpea." Jin stroked his lover's face soothingly.

"Come. Let's get you up and get that ice cream you wanted while I go out and buy a home pregnancy test, okay?"

Jungkook nodded. Still feeling queasy and worried but also excited to have his ice cream that he had been craving. He was already picturing it and almost salivating.

Seokjin chuckled as he watched the expressions change on his angel's face. Oh, he was definitely pregnant. Seokjin remembered the times when he was carrying the twins, Jungkook had the strangest cravings. He wanted to eat Indian food a lot, something that he had never tasted before in his life. He shook his head in disbelief. He was going to be a dad at the ripe old age of 37.

He thought about the twins and smiled happily. How would they react? He was sure they would love it. He pulled on his clothes and kissed Jungkook on his forehead before leaving to get the ice cream and the test.

When he returned, Jungkook was still in the bed, a huge smile plastered on his glowing face. He was sucking the spoon clean. Seokjin fell in love with him all over again. He indicated the bag he got from the pharmacy and Jungkook's eyes widened. He leapt off the bed and grabbed it, running to the bathroom.

"Slowly poppy! Don't run like that!" Jin chided his lover.

They waited nervously as the test took 3 minutes to clear.

"You look at it! I can't!" Jungkook wailed.

Seokjin sighed and picked up the stick. His eyes widened as he read it.

"Well???!!! Talk to me!! Jinnie!!"

"It's ..... positive poppy. We're going to have a baby."

Jungkook sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands. Seokjin sang and danced around the room. He was so happy. He saw Jungkook's shoulders shaking and went to him immediately.

"Baby....don't cry. I'm sorry. I thought you would be happy." He stroked his lover's hair slowly.

Jungkook looked up. He wasn't crying. He was laughing.

"Please don't dance and sing Jinnie. You're awful!"

Seokjin pretended to be offended. He kissed Jungkook passionately.

"I love you so much poppy. You've made me the happiest man alive."

"I love you more babe." He kissed Jin tenderly.

"You better look after me properly this time. And I'm more cranky and irritable and demanding!" He warned Jin, who just nodded his head happily.

"Who's telling the boys?" Seokjin asked.

"YOU ARE!" They both said in unison, pointing at each other.

They laughed happily.

"We'll do it together baby," Jin said, stroking Jungkook's cheek. "I can't believe it! My baby is going to have our baby!"

Jungkook smiled happily.

"Come here Daddy...." He winked at a surprised Jin.

"Oh my! And what does my baby want from his Daddy?" Jin said seductively, playing along.

"Baby wants ..... wants ...." he breathed out huskily, "some more ICE-CREAM!!!"  Jungkook yelled and ran to the door, escaping to eomma's kitchen laughing.

Seokjin laughed at his lover's antics. He shook his head happily. He had his  hands full with Jungkook and the twins and now another addition, maybe two? But he wouldn't trade it for anything in the whole world. He loved his little family so much....


I had to give you some Jinkook fluff. Don't you just love them? 💖

Thank you to everyone who votes, comments and recommends my work.

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😘

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