Chapter 25

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A/N: A big shout out to all my loyal readers who have taken this ff to 6K+ reads. Every vote and comment is appreciated. BORAHAE 💜

Two impetuous boys POV
(I'm sure you missed them) 😉😉

"Papa, please stop stressing. It's just a simple christening party with close friends and relatives. You're working yourself up for nothing!" Jimin implored his father.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at his first born. "So many things could go wrong Jiminie. I want everything to be perfect!"

Jimin had had enough of his father's craziness. He was literally driving everyone else crazy with his incessant and ridiculous demands. Jimin couldn't wait for his appa to get home. Only then, would there be some control and order.

Taehyung sat on the couch, cooing at his little baby sister, Seoyeon. She was the most beautiful baby and so well behaved. She hardly ever cried except for a nappy change and a bottle. A very surprising thing for Jimin and I to both witness, was papa actually feeding her his own milk. But I guess we shouldn't have been surprised, papa was a walking miracle.

I was a bit put out that I was the only one from my siblings that had never had the opportunity to drink from him, seeing as how he didn't know of my existence until recently. Being raised by my eomma, was great though. She was a wonderful person. She sacrificed her own happiness to raise me. Appa called her the bravest and most courageous person he had ever known. He had loved her in his own way and not a day goes by that he doesn't miss her.

I've watched how papa and appa interact and I can compare it very well since I had eomma for 13 years. Their relationship is so different yet it works perfectly well for them. Every time papa enters a room, appa's whole face lights up. His usually stiff demeanour relaxes immediately.

And as for papa, he knows he has the upper hand in everything. Appa basically eats out of his hand. All he has to do is make a cute pout or throw a tantrum and he gets his way easily with appa. Appa is putty in his hands.

Jimin and appa have a unique bond too, just like me and our papa. I guess that blood truly does recognise blood and Jimin and I are living proof of that. If it hadn't been for our close bond of blood, we might never have been so hell-bent on staying together. Papa is fond of saying, 'Your blood sings to each other'. Appa thinks that's insane but he'll never admit that to papa....he's secretly afraid of him.

I can see Jimin is on his last thread with papa. I just chuckle and call him over to the couch.

"Papa is going to cause me to dig a hole and throw myself inside it!" He screams in frustration, pulling his hair. "Do you know, now he wants to invite appa's extended family? The Kims are such a huge lot! Where is the fucking space?!"

"Language Jimin-ssi. Do you want Seoyeon to pick up those words?" I chastise him.

"Sorry poppet, sorry my little sweetpea," he pinches her soft cheek lightly and she smiles up at him. She's really alert for a 3 week old. He grunts in frustration and falls back on the couch.

"Wait a second poppet! I have an idea!" Jimin squeals in delight.

I groan inwardly. Jimin's ideas usually get us in a pickle. So I'm scared to actually find out what's going on in his mind. But I finally relent after he makes a cute aegyo. I can't resist his cuteness and he knows it.

"Tell me what's on your mind then?" I groan. He pinches my cheek and stands up, rubbing his hands in glee. It's like I can see the inner workings of his mind. It's definitely not going to be anything good.

"Let's ask mother to host the christening in Busan at halabeoji's house! It's practically perfect since it's huge and it's where all our families live!" Jimin's eyes twinkle in anticipation. "It will solve all our problems for space and guests and I'm sure mother won't mind. She's been practically begging for us to bring Seoyeon to visit!"

It's actually not a bad idea. And I find myself agreeing with it. But I know there's more when I see Jimin's eyes twinkling with mischief. He's got some other ulterior motive up his sleeve. I'm dreading to ask him what it is though.

He takes Seoyeon from me and rocks her gently. They look so precious together. I take out my phone and click their pictures. Then we take a selca with her and he sends it to mother. She immediately calls us gushing over how cute we look.

Mother, I actually have a huge favour to ask of you.

What is it my son? Anything for you my Jiminie.

Do you think you could possibly host the christening at our home in Busan?

That's actually a brilliant idea baby! That would work out perfectly. I know your papa has been stressing about this and frankly, I think he's driving you all crazy down there. Am I right?

You have no idea mother. I can't deal with him anymore! Do you think you could perhaps call him and make the offer. It would sound so much better coming from you.

My manipulative little shit! I swear, sometimes I feel some of my genes must be somewhere in there! (Chuckles) Fine! I'll do it now.

Thanks mother. You're our superstar!

Yeah..Yeah...keep the butter for your bread. Love you my baby. Love you Taehyung-ah. Give Seoyeonie a kiss from me. I miss her so much.

Will do mother. See you soon. Love you.

Jimin ends the call with a satisfied grin on his face. Perhaps, he can kill two birds with one stone now. Maybe papa's idea to call more people from appa's family will work out, not only for the party but for someone else too. Jimin smirks a devilish grin, looking too much like papa, and I feel my anxiety kicking into high gear.

What else does he have planned in that devious mind of his?


Hey my swties. I've really missed this book, but here's an update and I know you guys have missed vmin as I have. My two meddlesome twins!  😁😙

Black Swan is a bop! Go stream ARMY ✌ Do your thang! 😆

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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