Chapter 17

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A/N - OMG! Thank you for over 2K reads. I fucking love you guys!

School was starting soon and the twins were excited to get back. They both loved school. The past month had seen many changes for them all. Jimin and Jungkook had moved into Seokjin's home permanently. His home was just more spacious.

Jungkook handed his house keys to his sister and promised to take better care of her. She was truly happy for her brother. His smile finally reached his eyes again. She loved her nephew and she was pleasantly surprised to find that she now had two.

She unfortunately let slip, to Jimin's chagrin, that she had told the boys about the Kissing Booth. When Jungkook and Jin got back home they questioned their sons. They had some explaining to do. The two boys exchanged a look and ran in opposite directions only to be cornered by their fathers and carried to the couch.

"Spill Jimin! Now!" Appa ordered and Jimin visibly cringed, looking to Taehyung for support. Taehyung looked worse than his brother.

"Appa....we sort of set you guys up using the dating app," Jimin looked down in fear.

Seokjin and Jungkook exchanged a look and laughed simultaneously. The twins looked at them incredulously as their fathers picked them up and hugged them tightly.

"Thank you for meddling our dear angels. If it wasn't for the two of you, we would never have found each other again," Jin smiled at his sons.

"I think they take after you, poppy. They're so naughty," Jin said, pecking him on the cheek.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and sent the boys off to pack their bags for the new school year. They insisted on staying in one room. They wanted to be together always. So their room had been redecorated and twin beds placed side by side. They usually ended up sleeping in each others arms anyway.

Jungkook also redecorated the master suite. Jin's taste in decor was just too boring for him. Jin just let him have his way or risked getting into an argument that he knew he would lose anyway. He loved Jungkook too much but he was also secretly, a little afraid of his livewire.

The couple spoke of marriage and officiating their union but in the end they decided they didn't need any labels to define their relationship. All they had to do now was officially adopt their children legally and they would be a complete family.

This was easier said than done. When news of the couple and their children being reunited reached Kang Min Jee's ears, she was livid. She was prepared for a fight. She had been prepared 16 years ago. She refused to relinquish her guardianship on Jimin, claiming that he was her son and heir.

She lodged a complaint against Jungkook, claiming that he had kidnapped her son and was sueing him for emotional distress and full custody of Jimin. The parents were too afraid to give the twins this news. Their little world was already being threatened. How would the boys take it? They had been separated for so long but had found each other because of the deep bond that they shared. And now, Min Jee wanted to destroy that.

"Poppy, we have to tell the boys. This is only going to get uglier. Min Jee isn't going to give up without a fight."

"No! No! She ruined our lives! She can't have our baby! I won't let her! I'll go public and tell the world I carried them," Jungkook was determined.

Jin hissed in shock. "Do you understand the implications of doing that? Your life, my life, the boys lives will be dissected by the media! Not to mention, our careers will be on the line!" Jin was beside himself with worry for his family.

Jungkook pulled his hair in frustration. "I don't care! I will do anything to have my babies and our family together."

"Please think about this clearly. Let's get a lawyer and get advice first before we make rash decisions," Jin implored his lover.

Jungkook thought about Jin's suggestion and eventually agreed to consult with a lawyer first. So they set up an appointment with a reputable law firm.

The meeting didn't go too well. The lawyers were honest on what they should expect especially that Min Jee was a powerful woman. At the end of the meeting, Jungkook remained unmoved in his decision. He was ready for all the backlash.

A sombre family dinner was had that night when the parents explained to the twins what was happening. Taehyung burst into tears and Jimin was livid with his 'mother'.

He hugged his brother tightly. He wouldn't let anyone separate them again. Jimin excused himself and went outside to call Min Jee.

Jimin! My baby. To what do I owe this surprise? Are you missing your mother?

Mother...why are you doing this? Do you want to see me unhappy? not believe the lies they are feeding you. You are my son and my heir and you will take your rightful position in this company some day. I will be sending a guardian to bring you back to Busan next week. Your father has had his fun. You now need to be with me and be protected from scum like the Kims.

Mother really! I will not leave my brother nor will I leave my parents. Do what you must but know this, I will never be your son. I am a Kim too. I will never be a Kang.

You dare to disobey me Jimin! You Will accompany your guardian next week or I will make life very difficult for your little brother. I promise you that. You decide. Goodbye dear. I shall look forward to seeing you then. And remember my warning Jimin.

She had just threatened his brother! Jimin was beyond livid. He threw his phone against the wall. It cracked and broke badly. He balled his fists and declared to himself that he will never allow his mother to ever hurt his beloved brother.

He calmed himself down sufficiently and went back into the house to his worried family. They turned to him with expressions of concern and love. Jimin walked to his papa and hugged him close. As his father caressed his hair soothingly, Jimin vowed that he would do anything for his family to be happy always.


Oooh the angst is being re-uploaded

Author-nim is the real villain or Min Jee? 😉😉

I purple you all my swties 💜


Love Swty 😘

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