Chapter 19

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Min Jee was busy at her desk when the door to her office suddenly opened and in walked Jeon Jungkook.

"Hey babe! How are you doing?" He said, sauntering to her chaise lounge and settling himself on it, propping his feet up and his arms behind his head.

Min Jee was not amused at this intrusion. But she was used to Jungkook's antics.

"What are you doing here Jungkook? You know you're not welcome." She gritted her teeth in irritation.

He kicked off his shoes, knowing that the action would piss her off even further and smiled up at her.

He pouted cutely, "Now is that any way to treat your loving husband, my dear?"

She scoffed at his choice of words. They were anything but loving. Neither were they married.

"You mean, 'ex'-husband Jungkook. Mind telling me what you are doing here? I don't have time for your frivolity," her eyes piercing his. He looked thoroughly unfazed and continued in the same vein.

"Isn't it enough that I missed you my love? I wanted to see you. You being the mother of my child and so on," Jungkook smiled innocently.

Min Jee had never actually belly laughed in her life. She wasn't one for humour but right now the absurdity of the situation had almost caused laughter to escape her rigid lips.

"You're crazy Jungkook. You know we shouldn't be interacting outside of the courtroom. So spill your guts and be gone."

Jungkook swung his legs to the side and indicated for Min Jee to come sit next to him. She sighed but went to sit with him. She knew she would be wasting more time by arguing since Jungkook was a stubborn mule.

"Now isn't this better my love?"

When he didn't get a reaction out of her, he continued. "I want you to drop this ridiculous case against me baby. You know you're not Jimin's biological mother. A simple DNA test will prove that. So why do you want to cause this uproar and hurt Jimin in the process?"

Min Jee sighed heavily. She wasn't going to explain herself to him.

"Kookie dearest, you know I can suppress the DNA test, right? Anyway, I want to know where is my son and why are you here instead of him? I specifically told him to join me in Busan. I was going to dispatch his guardian to Seoul today only."

"You'll be wasting your time sweetheart. Jimin isn't going to be coming to Busan anytime soon. Oh, before I forget, I have a gift for you."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a large brown envelope, handing it to Min Jee. He pecked her on her cheek.

"Consider this as me saying, a big 'Fuck You' to you babe." He got up and walked to the door, his hand on the door.

"You've just been served, my pretty." He winked at her and walked out.

Min Jee ripped the packet open viciously. She didn't have time for Jungkook's stupid games. She scanned through the documents before throwing them away from her like they had burned her skin.

She screamed in irritation.

Outside her office, Jungkook laughed quietly at her reaction. He had been waiting, eavesdropping. He was happy that he had been afforded the reaction he desired.

He turned and looked at the man who was sitting on a comfy looking chair, paging through a magazine. Their eyes locked and Jungkook smiled in satisfaction. He reached out for him and the man extended his hand to him.

Jungkook sat down in his lap, stroking the fine hair away from his forehead, placing soft kisses on his temple.

"I love you my Jinnie."

"I love you too my poppy."

Seokjin captured his lips into a sensual and passionate kiss just as the door opened revealing a livid Min Jee. She looked on them with disgust. They didn't break the kiss until they were fully satisfied.

Jungkook licked his lips. "Tastes better than anything I've ever had in my life," he smirked up at Min Jee.

"You can take your porn movie somewhere else Jungkook! This is my place of business."

Jungkook's smirk deepened. "I trust that you enjoyed my little gift, honey."

Min Jee rolled her eyes. "If you think for one minute that I'm afraid of your silly antics, then you must be more stupid that I thought. Take that trash out of my building. It's already been sullied enough with his presence."

Jungkook got up immediately and closed the distance between them. "If you think that I'll put up with your insults at my Jinnie, then you're sadly mistaken Min Jee. Say whatever you want about me, but don't you dare cross that line again!" He warned her.

Seokjin's eyes furrowed at the hatred that was evident in Min Jee's eyes when she looked at him. How had he not noticed it before? He knew she didn't particularly like him, but this was something else. It piqued his interest and he resolved to discuss it with Jungkook later.

He got up and smoothed his pants down. Min Jee looked at him closely. His expensive looking suit with his perfectly set hair, he was a far cry from the Seokjin she remembered and loathed. She caught herself before staring at him for too long. Although, the resemblance was uncanny, she thought.

Jungkook noticed her studying Jin for longer than she should. He cleared his throat and decided to push her buttons further.

"Like what you see hunny bunny?" He smirked at her. "Keep your claws away from my man, or I'll bite your pretty manicured fingers to bits!" He warned her.

Seokjin's eyes went wide while Min Jee scoffed and looked away.

"I wouldn't touch that piece of scum with a 5 foot pole even if you paid me!"

Seokjin laughed lightly. "I do apologise on behalf of my poppy. He can get a little jealous sometimes. It just makes me love him more." He looked fondly at Jungkook. He turned to Min Jee. "You look good, by the way. I hope we can meet again under better circumstances. And, before I forget. If you ever try to threaten and hurt my sons again, I promise you, you Will regret it!"

She stared him down,  not in the least bit concerned. Jungkook chuckled.

"I'm sorry Min, he can get feisty when he wants to. Toodles baby!"

He waved at her and intertwined his hands with Jin's as they made their exit.

Min Jee stood in the foyer of her office and screamed in irritation. Even after all these years, she couldn't get him out of her system! She hated that Kim Seokjin with all her heart!


Ooooh! Things are taking an interesting turn. Who is Seokjin to Min Jee? And why is she so affected by his presence?

Author-nim is spinning the web of deceit, waiting for the unsuspecting victims to fall in her trap 😉😉

Vote, comment, rant and rave!  😈


Love Swty 😘

The Kissing Booth [Completed] ✅Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora