michelle18uzoma 🇳🇬 LauraNaba 🇳🇬 Donaldprince 🇳🇬 S_B_Chukwuka 🇳🇬

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Warning : Long Chapter
⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ Make sure you read through bruh! 🙄

Be warned, I'm not trying to give spoilers, neither am I writing a review. I already left them in the comment box of some writers here. (let's just call it Epistles or 🤔 fangirling over a book) but it's tiny whinny bit like a review. I tend to give spoilers while writing a review(but not always) 😂😂. Come on just go to the Author's profile and get the full gist of the story.

Don't worry we can still gist about it, but that's after reading. 😉

One more thing, books here are simply Nigerian. I'm not going to make it general no matter how much you pester me. I remember when I first joined Wattpad, the only way I selected books to read was selecting from a book with the list of best werewolves, CEOs, highschool and all other stuffs. Yeah that's how I got to meet Sweetdreamer, Robertheir, lylah James, and I'm still wondering if coinikee is a Nigerian 😆

Yeah we have our Achebe's with the Achebian language(Mahd ooo....) The Soyinka's,  the Adichie's, the Nnedi Okarafor's, Molara woods.  As well as the Chris Okigbo's, Gabriel Okpara, Gbemisola Adeoti and the rest. The writers that will be mentioned here all have something special about their works, and I want us to go figure them out.

I'm here to bring their works to you on a platter of Gold. 

Can you smell it? Can you feel the aura? See the colour of nature everywhere? I'm so delighted with the denomination of Nigerians over here. And the fact we keep spilling our inks and molding them into words. I love what we do with our pen. Like you guys are so creative.

*Whispers* I know I'm a text parrot 😌 but who knows the cure for it?

Anyway .....

We are Nigerians 💪💪💪
Nigerians are we 💪💪💪

Okay it's time to present the First four writers that were mentioned on the first tag.

*Drum roll *🥁🥁🥁🥁

Where are my glasses 👓 👓 👓

🇳🇬 🇳🇬🇳🇬Against all odds by michelle18uzoma

Mimi ♥️♥️😉

Gosh! If you haven't read this book, then you don't know what you are missing. Like you don't know about it and you don't know what is going on.

I could remember when I first started reading it, I got hooked immediately, that I had to read the book small small so it would not quickly finish😂😂😂(Who knows that feeling? 🤚). Immediately I was through with the book I had the urge to read more of the writers works.

I won't be surprised if this book turns out to be a literature text for the waec and jamb students.

Mimi is an amazing writer. There was a part in her book that I actually felt like I was reading late Chinua Achebe's work.  You are good at what you do girl, those tales spiced the story up, like it took me back to the days where grandma and my dad narrates the story of the Cunning Tortoise to I and my sisters.

Your story is beautifully written, your chapters aren't overly long but also aren't too short(You are not the lazy type of writer, you never disappoint). The story is one that has (I included) and will interest many more people.  Okay, there are some part that made me laugh like crazy. The one that's fully embedded in my memory is  'Cry cry grandma, you want to see your mummy' your descriptions were superb girl.  😂😂😂😂😂

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