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Hello people, we have the beautiful damadrench in the house. The author behind the lesson filled book TWIRL. Who hasn't read that book yet? I'm sure you will want to check it out, it has the God factor package in it and of course it is Nigerian themed, it will definitely spark up your emotions.


Let's welcome on board Miss Damaris.... Like I love that name . 📣📣🔊🔊

🔰🔰 OREOLUWA: Can we meet you?

✍️✍️✍️Damaris: My name is Damaris Siyanbade. I'm 18 years old. I love reading fiction and I write stories and poems. I also take nature and street pictures. I basically love art, in whatever form.

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: Wow.....  An art lover. How did you come across Wattpad ?

✍️✍️ Damaris: My brother opened the account for me

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: How has your writing experience been like?

✍️✍️Damaris: I started writing when I was a child. I can't remember exact age but it's been a while. I started out writing short stories, which were kind of imitations of the story books I used to read. I think it was reading those story books that inspired my writing.

My writing has been on and off. There were times I went months without writing. My writing style changed or let me say evolved as I began to read "proper" books and not just those twenty-paged story books. I learned a whole lot from reading "Purple Hibiscus". The stories I wrote after then were way different and better than my previous work.

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: Wow, Chimamanda must be one of your favorites then.

✍️✍️Damaris: Yes, she is. I learned a lot from her work.

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: Awwwn...... That's lovely. What are the challenges you face as a writer?

✍️✍️ Damaris: The one we all face - writer's block😂. Asides that, I find it hard to be consistent.

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: 😂😂😂 lol.... True, I can relate with that. Who are your role models when it comes to writing?

✍️✍️ Damaris: Everybody's fave - Chimamanda Adichie 😂 and Sefi Atta, too

OREOLUWA: What's that thing people don't know about you?

✍️✍️ Damaris: I have to think hard about this one. People who know me know this but my readers definitely don't . I'm currently studying mathematics.

OREOLUWA: Wow...... I hate mathematics. Mara's people ooo  😂😂🐩🐩The y,  the x blabla.......

Damaris: 😂😂

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

✍️✍️Damaris: Honestly, I'm not sure. I'd probably be studying for a masters degree or maybe I'd be through with it. I'd still be writing and sharing my work online. That, I'm sure of.

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: That's awesome ........ 🙌🙌 So what are your likes and dislikes?

✍️✍️Damaris: I like spaghetti. I hate semo😂😂. I love YouTube so much; I waste my data on there😂.
Can't think of any more right now.

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: Alright it's fine, Awwwn I love Spaghetti too and YouTube is a scam..😂😂

✍️✍️Damaris: YouTube is not a scam 😂

🔰🔰OREOLUWA:  😂😂😂I hear you..... You won't be conscious of your data. Not until when a message pops

✍️✍️Damaris: As in..

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: What are the three things you can't do without?

✍️✍️ Damaris: Eating spaghetti, my phone and taking pictures (not of myself but of things/ other people)

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: Awww.....What was the last book you read?

✍️✍️Damaris: This wattpad book, I can't even remember the title 😂🙈

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: 😂😂😂 Look at you 😂 Describe yourself in three words?

✍️✍️Damaris: Reserved, smart and creative.

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: Awwwn  goals......

✍️✍️Damaris: 😂😂 abeg oo

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: Who is your favourite writer on Watt pad?

✍️✍️Damaris: The_kiddler I was blown away by how good he is And also Reed-ink

Awwwn..... I agree with you. They are really good. Reed-ink I think some of his works are on Pabpub.

✍️✍️Damaris: Interesting

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: List three books you really wish you were the writer.

✍️✍️Damaris: Purple Hibiscus (my favourite Chimamanda book), Everything good will come and Joys of motherhood.

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: So do you see yourself in full time writing, And also any word for your readers?

✍️✍️Damaris: No, never. But I'll continue writing in the side. I'm grateful for the reception "Twirl" has gotten on wattpad. I never expected it. Thank you all for giving me a chance. I'll work hard at creating stories worth reading😊

🔰🔰OREOLUWA: Alright ma'am. We will be expecting more books from you.
Thank you for your time ma'am. I really appreciate 🤗🤗

✍️✍️Damaris: It was nice having this chat😊

And it's a wrap people 😉


I'm really sorry I posted this late @mention a user The interview was done some months back. February 2nd 🙇🙇  Thank you so much for your time ma'am.

Don't forget to check out the book

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