SanRoxi 🇳🇬 damadrench 🇳🇬 Rachyriz5 🇳🇬 Pearlmurphy

295 33 18

Yo! People.......
Look who came back to give you the sauce of all sauces 

I'm excited, someone just drew me back to the first reviews I made when I opened an account on Wattpad, that was last year; January, February and the rest.

Someone said she wants to really see my review, if I keep saying I haven't done perfect justice to this.
Lol,  so I might be reviewing 'What Sunny saw in the flames' by my awesome author Nnedi Okorafor.

Okay let's go straight to business, where are my glasses 👓 👓.

I'm going to be saying a few things on 👇

SanRoxi 🇳🇬   

⚫️I was in Nigeria

I started reading 'I was in Nigeria' early last year, the title caught my attention then, lol, I was in search of Nigerian themed books, then boom! It landed in library and I made up my mind to delve in further and guess what? I wasn't dissapointed. It isn't the usual storyline we see here and there, whereby a Nigerian is seen appearing as the new student in another country, this time around it's a foreign guy appearing in a typical Nigerian highschool.

The writer's use of Humour/Sarcasm is something I must commend, her sarcastic tone in this book evoked laughter from me. Like she made her work moderately humorous.

Okay this book is interesting, intriguing and amusing. I personally loved the writer's descriptions, like she didn't overdo it and her dictions weren't confusing or contextually wrong.

You did a good job Rahmat and I look forward to reading more of your books.

Oh yes, your dialogues were crisp. Plus you have this amazing technique of storytelling.

Why don't you check out this book guys, trust me you won't be dissapointed.


damadrench 🇳🇬


Okay, this story is bomb. Like it's realistic and the issue in it is real.  Like it happens for real, I hate it when parents enforce their choice of occupation on we children, and then trample on our chosen careers, it's so unfair.

A character at the beginning of this book didn't stay with us till the end, sadly. That part broke my heart 😑

I love the use of G - factor in this book and the Godly imagery and gravitas. Like it speaks to the heart. This book is beautifully written and I enjoyed reading it. It's a rare type of book.
I'm hoping to read more books from you dear.  God bless you.

So guys, this book has just few chapters, it won't take much of your time, why don't you check.


Rachyriz5 🇳🇬    

⚫️Boys Over Books

I read this book back in 2018 and I reread it in 2019 when I finally opened an account.

Lol,  you should know the title of this book got my attention. I can still remember my mum's warning about boys 😅

Boy's over books is an engrossing book let me tell you.
You will find it hard to put down this book, Rachel has a way of keeping we readers up until the wee hours, like fully engrossed. This book has a remarkable storyline, An amazing plot and vividly drawn characters. Okay, there are some scenes in this book that will make your eyes well up in tears. Like you will get emotional at the end of this book.

Author Rachel delivers a tour de force performance with this dynamic book. 'Boys Over books is a must read. It's one of the books I don't regret reading. It is well written and highly entertaining.

Thanks for making me cry in that book 😢 what they did to that baby is horrible.  You are an amazing writer Rachel
She's also the amazing writer of this amazing books.
⚫️Shape of me
Keep inking ma'am, you are good at what you do 🙌🙌
Do not forget to check out this books, add to your library and reading list, you won't regret it.


PearlMurphy 🇳🇬

⚫️Damien's Attraction.

This book was one of the first books I read after I finally opened an account after getting tired of using chrome. That scene where October's Aunt told her to stop squeezing the cloth so she won't squeeze the remaining shape in her body, made laugh, also the scene October vomited on Damien 😂😂😂 Lol, I promised not give any spoilers in this book generally, but the Kidnapping made me sweat. Wawu.....  Okay the characters in this book are dynamic, and that's one of the things I look forward to in a book.

This book has its own brand of satisfying gravitas, it is entertaining and the choice of words used in it are well penned.
The Author demonstrates extraordinary flair for creating a well written and consistently entertaining plot.

Damien's attraction is a brilliant and epic story filled with intriguing characters and an enthralling plot.
Good job sister, keep inking.



Note 📝
Hello guys.........
I had to squeeze a little out of my time to type this. Your girl is pretty studying hard. So I'm going on hiatus, Will be back after exams. Feel free to dance around the comments section of this book.  For those consistently adding this book to their reading list, I must say thank you ♥️♥️♥️
Thanks for supporting our talented writers.

Be warned and guided, everything written here doesn't sum up how good this writers are and how interesting their works are.
Check them out and give them a follow. You won't be dissapointed 😉😉

Happy reading, don't forget to vote and comment. Don't be stingy with your opinions, our writers weren't stingy with their ideas. If you have done this, dm me let's cook a pot of friendship together ♥️♥️

And for my beautiful writers, to every writers on board and out there 😘😘. Keep moving the world with the magic of your pen . I love your books and I love you too.... Let's keep inking.

We are Nigerians 💪💪🇳🇬🇳🇬

Nigerians are we 💪💪

Hey... You will not like to go without voting for this chapter ooo. 🙄

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