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Hello Fam, so I'm back again as usual. But this time around we have a dude in the house. Okay let's increase the volume 🔊 We have a dude in the house........

Yessy, He's the writer who kept us glued to our seat, he's a writer who can't be overemphasized like someone I know (Mimi). He's the brilliant mind behind the golden wheel of the Amazing book 'The devil Wears Okrika' 🔊

Please welcome with me on board bohemianpengame

🖤⚫️: Can we meet you?

🎤 🔴 bohemianpengame My name is Kingsley Efughi, I'm 24 years old, first son and second child of a Yoruba mother and Igbó father.
I studied ICT in the university, but I used to love drawing, playing video games, reading stories in that order and now writing

🖤⚫️Wawu.......... So how and when did you start writing?

🎤 🔴Ok well, I remember when I was young I always used to enjoy English classes, especially the composition, letter writing, essay and the rest but that was the extent of my writing.

But then I started reading more, I remember back then, my primary school had the library sealed to classes below primary 3, so I'll stroll confidently into the library with a pen clipped to my pocket and the librarian automatically thought I was in pry 3 not knowing I was still in primary one.

As my interest in reading grew I started trying to write some stories but I never got past the first chapter until when I got into the university and started writing a story which I didn't let anyone read. I was actually making progress but unfortunately my laptop crashed and So did the took me about 4 years before I found the will to write again, I stumbled on an online literature forum and decided to give it a try and so I completed my first story ever.

⚫️🖤Wow 🙌🙌🙌🙌
😂😂😂😂 But, oh my goodness..... Primary one! I don't want to imagine a short tiny boy with a book much bigger than him 😂😂

🎤 🔴Lol it was mostly Chike and the river and the likes 😂😂
I remember one particular book "The Orator" I can't remember the author but it blew me away then.

🖤⚫️Oh 'Chike and the River' by 'Chinua Achebe' right? and the 'Orator' it must be a really good book then. How I love good books 😌

🎤 🔴Yes those were some of the best times in school, I gave up my break time on plenty occasions to continue the book in the library

⚫️🖤Wow...... This is so me..... Then nobody reads a book I've not read, even the seniors.

🔴 🎤 Lol

⚫️🖤How did you come across Wattpad?

🔴🎤 I had been hearing about it and seen lots of references to Wattpad, but somehow I didn't check it out until a friend sent a link to her story on a writer's what's app group and I checked her story and from there I found myself browsing through the whole app...the sheer volume of amazing stories is what amazed me the most and I became a more frequent visitor and created an account not long after.

⚫️🖤Awwwn..... Thank God you created an account. We won't have been privileged to read that amazing book of yours, if you haven't created one.

🔴🎤 Wow thanks 🙏🏾

⚫️🖤What are the challenges you face as a writer?

🔴🎤 Well sometimes i find myself looking for inspiration like a lost remote lol, and sometimes, time isn't always on my side when I try to write, however I realized I draw inspiration from meeting people(and I though I was an introvert) and traveling to new places. I think those are the major challenges I've faced so far.

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