Let's know a little about them

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Hello Fam, I'm back again, not alone but with some beautiful writers, oh yeah. They are here to tell us a few things. Now, welcome with me on stage. The terrific writers.....

🚥 maramartha

🚥 love_richie


🛑 maramartha

⚫️Can we meet you?

🎤 🔴My name is Amarachi but all my friends call me Amara or Mara. I got the name Mara from my final year roommate (I was in first year then), that was when _Mara and Clara_ was still very popular.

I don't like my English name which is why I didn't mention it 🥴🥴

⚫️When and how did you come across Wattpad?

🎤 I came across wattpad in 2014, then it was still a website. My roommate's sister told me all about it, even showed me how to go about it. It wasn't until 2016 that I opened my own account. Then I wrote two stories (that I have rewritten, renamed and edited now). I think last year was my most serious year on wattpad cos I mingled a lot, made new friends with people like this girl now that's interviewing me.

• 😂😂😂 you better don't let us open our yansh outside bro.

⚫️When did you start writing?

🎤 I started writing in primary school, at first, I used to recopy all those English passage into my jotter, then it grew to writing stories my mother would tell us about her upbringing. I showed them to my junior secondary school teachers, they would read, compliment me and also ask me to save it in a file for future publication. If you ask me where the file is now, I dunno.

• 😂😂😂😂😂

⚫️Do you have any experience you want to share with us?

🎤 Experience?? Lemme see... This one has nothing to do with writing though.

In my final year, I was traveling back home to Ibadan because I schooled in Nsukka (UNN, precisely). I was supposed to go with my father but he was late, so while waiting, I decided to buy food from those women that sell at the park. Normally, I don't eat food before traveling, just bottled water, soft drink and gala is what I'll take, then I'll eat midway into the journey.

Somehow, the hunger was too much that morning, then I ate. We were barely at Onitsha when my stomach started turnioniown, I whispered to my father to tell the driver that I go like do number 2Driver was just there talking, "we are almost at Onitsha Park, they have toilet there" bla bla bla, as if stomach understands those kind of language.

I started sweating, all the things my father was saying was just going through the left ear and coming out from the right, by the time we reached the park ... Ummmmm
*sighs*... I don't want to say anything again.

•Ewoo.... 😌😂😂😂

⚫️Can you give us a motivational word before you leave?

🎤 Me I'm not a motivational speaker but there is one statement I made up; it's the first thing you see in my bio.

It goes, be careful what you tell a writer, it just might end up in a story.
Most of my stories are influenced by people, events. Sometimes I use sentences and life experiences from my friends, even strangers, so I like to give a prewarning that I'm a writer oo.

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