Kim Jonghyun

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Aufgrund dessen, dass heute (südkoreanischer Zeit) Jonghyuns Todestag ist, hielt ich es für angebracht das hier zu schreiben:

When you fell down from heaven, the angels cried. They cried, because they lost you. But they saw your smile on earth and how you made the people around you happy. But then, they saw you crying, so they decided that it's the best to bring you back to heaven.
Our hearts are bleeding, because you thought, you weren't good enough. Our hearts are bleeding, because you aren't here anymore and we couldn't help you.
But let me say one thing: you were always enough. You did great. You were just so perfect, even if you didn't see it. We, we all saw it! How precious you was and you made us smiling.
No matter whereever you are right now, just be yourself. Love yourself. Because we all love you and we all miss you. You were an angel, born in the wrong world for the right reason.

Kim Jonghyun, 1990.08.04 - 2017.18.12

Es bricht mir das Herz, dass dieser wundervolle Mensch nicht mehr bei uns ist. Es tut so weh, zu wissen, dass er unglücklich war & dachte, er sei nicht gut genug. Dabei war er mehr als gut genug. Er war wundervoll.

Es fällt mit schwer zu begreifen, dass es bereits 2 Jahre her ist. Und zu akzeptieren, dass alle Bilder, alle Videos, alle Songs, einfach alles Erinnerungen an einen Engel sind, dessen Zeit auf Erden begrenzt war.

Ich werde mein bestes geben, ihn für immer in Ehren zu halten & Jonghyun hat auf ewig einen Platz in meinem Herzen..

In loving memories of an angel..

He always deserved just the best..

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