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"Your highness" A maid bowed down in respect as the Queen of Madhavgarh walked in the court room and took her place behind the curtains .

"Let's begin" Aaditya Singh Rajput ordered and One of the minister stood on his place and bowed before turning towards other minister and a victim couple .
"Your Majesty , The lady here is claiming that She is carrying the baby of this man and he is not ready to take responsibility " Minister said and The king went in thought before looking towards the victim couple .
"Are you backing away from your responsibility ?" King asked from the man and he shooked his head before explaining his side and the arguments between couple went on and finally discussing allot about the matter they finally came on conclusion , The man got ready to take responsibility and the case get dismiss and after that another minister stood up and copied act of first minister before opening his own matter

"Your Majesty , The fight between Our Warrior Princess Anika and that protestor is going to take place in half an hour" He said and the people in court room start discussing about the consequences .

"Where is Our Princess?" Aaditya Singh Rajput asked looking around for his elder daughter

"She is in training field your majesty " Minister replied and king nodded before leaving his chair and dismissing the court, He head towards the training room with Queen trailing behind him murmuring  every bad things about Anika and the freedom she got .

"My Queen , It will be best if you support our warrior instead of badmouthing her" King snarled angrily.

"First of all Princess is already dark and above on that instead of working on her ownself she is becoming more worse by all this things ,Ladies are not born to be fight my majesty , They are born for staying beside their partner and support him not to jump in ground with sword , I don't think she is even going to win today " Queen replied with equal anger.

"She is daughter of Aaditya Singh Rajput ,Don't underestimated her power Queen" He responded before getting in training chamber , There was the Warrior princess in all her glory ,Her wild dense hair was flowing down from her waist and She was practicing with sweat flowing down from her head , The line of a fair skin was drawing in the area of sweats but she was too busy to care about that .

"Princess , Come direct in ceremony ,I will be waiting for you there"King said wiping sweat of his daughter and frowned when his hand get a little black , he was about to wipe her sweat again but before that princess bowed down "Pita Maharaj " She said in respect and took steps away from him "I will be the chief" .


"Your Majesty" A butler bowed down at front of Shivay Singh Rathode "Here is the cloths my lord" He said before placing the cloth on table and taking few steps away .

"You can go ,I will call you if i need anything" Shivay said dismissing the butler and changing himself in plain pair of cloths , He get out from the small tent which they made at border of Madhavgarh . "Minister Abraah and Suraam will go with me and all of you will stay here and wait for us untill we won't come back" he ordered and they made their way towards Madhavgarh for witnessing the most interesting fight .

"What is your opinion Abraah" Shivay asked in his authorative voice and The minister thought before speaking " Your Majesty if the Warrior Princess accepted it then it means in one or another way She is more powerfull" Abraah said .
"And What you think suraam" He asked from his second Minister who smirked before speaking his thoughts "My Lord ,I think Princess of Madhavgarh accepted it to save her pride and ego ,She can"t fight and win seven of men alone and win , Afterall she is a lady" he said and Shivay nodded before loosing himself in his own thoughts .

"Warrior Princess Anika is arriving" A butler announced and seven mens took their own position in battle ground , The crowd cheered and Shivay waited patiently for the arrival of Princess , his ministers smirked .

Anika walked in battle field with her face covered and wearing a white posaq , She stand in mid of seven mens before raising her swords up for the crowd whose cheering increased more .

"3 ...... 2 ....... 1.... attack" The butler shout and three man jumped towards Anika with their sword , Anika took a step back before coming forward and slicing the arm of one of them , Sword of second man touched her arm slicing her arm too and She kicked the third man , making him fall on ground , Taking it as a chance she fought with remaining two and within a second the first fighter was  on ground with his bleeding arm and stomach , the second one too touched ground bleeding from his abdomen and making Anika bleed from her left arm

Shivay and his minister took in the scene amusingly as the Warrior princess doesn't even seem to bother about  the loss of blood , She sliced the third man too and before she can take her position back four mens attacked her from behind making her bleed from her back , She turned in a swift and Sliced the neck of fourth man who stabbed from behind and her eyes burned in furry before she handled the remaining two , the last one was the one who challenged her , She showed mercy on five of them only by injuring them instead of killing , but this time her eyes screamed blood lust , She jumped on the man and gave her few cuts before closing his chapter for forever .

"Princess ,  Princeesss" The crowd cheered and Shivay's eyes shined in pleasure it doesn't took him long to realise that She is the one to be Queen of his kingdom.

Anika bent down and took blood of the challenged on her thumb and did tilak of her sword , She raised her sword in victory and cloud cheered . Shivay continued staring her

" Baazi" Anika shouted and a horse came running in the ground , Anika picked the dead body of her challenger and loaded on her horse "Bow down not because I m princess because I m your chief "   She said to her army and ride back towards her palace .


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