《Nêvêr Eñdïnģ Thøughtş》

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"Bow down at front of Queens you ugly Princess" Queen Padma spoke with an evil smirk , Gasp were heard and finally the calm princess lost her patience and she glared towards the Queen with fire .

"Parden Lady" Anika raised her brows giving her one chance to repent her mistakes , Her maids glared Queen Padma and Maid Sara even took out her little knife out from her ghanghara to stab the Queen but was held back by her friend .

"Bow down at front of Queen you ugly beauty" Queen Padma gritted her teeth as she repeated her previous words with little change in adjectives. Shivay sent a glare towards Queen Padma for creating such a scene at front of whole people but decided to not interfere between two ladies ,he waited for Anika's reaction but little did King knew what this Princess is going to do .

Her eyes emitted fire and FINALLY she took out her sword from her sheath shocking the hell out from every single person who was present there , In two long strides Princess Anika stood at front of Queen Padma with her sword in her right hand "Repeat words Queen" She spoke with vemon and stare straight in Padma's eyes challenging her to speak "I said Repeat your words" She shouted and fear ran down the spine of peoples on her loud dominant confident voice .

"You ... Yo.. You can.. can't .. mis...behave.... with Qu...Queen o...of ..  Jha...Jhanshi" Queen Padma shuttered and a satisfied smirk captured Anika's lips , She once thought to place her sword back but then realised that she will be punished for behaving with a Queen in such way so why not to show this Queen her real place .

"What I told you to do?" She ask in her dominant voice as she glared the lady and Lady Padma Shivered "To repeat the words I spoke" her dominance make the evil lady submit and Anika's maid smirk in victory but Sara's eyes were full with worry for her Princess .

"Then do repeat your words" Anika whispered in low dangerous voice and let the sharp and cold metal touch Padma's neck "B...Bo...Bow .. d.m.down at .. fr.. front of Queen..." Padma repeated her previous words and Anika took her sword back and placed inside the sheath .

"Now Bow down at front of your would be Queen , My Queen" She said sarcastically and dared to Padma to disobey her ,Queen Padma was about to bow but before that King Shivay's dominant voice encoached in palace .

"Princess Anika" He called her loudly and pulled her towards himself in a harsh pull making her stumbble and fall on ground , Anika took hold of her sword and was all ready to attack on the king but Her maid gum friend Sara held her from behind and shook her head negatively "You can't behave with Queen of Jhanshi in such way" He shouted and glared her angrily but Anika paid no attention to him and start opening the anklet from her legs roughly , She removed the anklet from both of her feets and threw towards Sara and stood back on her feet "I would never behaved with your Queen in such way if you had teached her how to behave with Guests , I am not a maid who will bow down at front of this weak lady" Anika spoke staring straight in eyes of King Shivay . His anger reached peak seeing her attitude and his eyes darkened ,finally he decide to punish the Princess for her behaviour .

"Sukhraam" King Shivay called out his minister in loud voice and Sukhraam was quick to bow down at front of his King ,Everyone shivered with fear and some even felt pity on Princess well known from the fact that lady Anika is going to be punish for the stunt she pulled "Lock Princess Anika in dungeon" He ordered and Everyone gasped including Anika's maids , A wide winning grin spread on Padma's lips and She smirked looking towards Princess Anika but what shocked everyone most is the reaction of Princess Anika,She seemed unfazed by it ...

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