Epîlogue 🖤

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The court room was filled with crowd , Everyone was whispering something to each other and was waiting for King and Queen to made their way in court room .

The loud announcement echoes before King Shivay entered in court room with his Queen on his side , they both held their head high and walked straight towards the throne , the pin drop silence prevailed in court room , only breathing and raged heartbeat were heart. 

Queen Anika intertwined her fingers with king Shivay and pressed his palm assuringly , King Shivay cleared his throat before he opened his mouth to speak "It was Queen Aasha's decision to go away from Kingdom , She didn't want Prince Rudra to see her dying that's y we decided to send her away as it was her last wish , She will be kept under observation of healers and will be provide with every possible facility , I am thankful to you all for coming for farewell of Queen Aasha" King Shivay's throat tightened , his eyes start stinging but the hard grip on his right palm gave him support to handle his building emotions "The only person who can see your vulnerable state is me , let the other think you tough and hard , it's much better in that way" Anika's previous words echoes in his mind and he tightened his grip on her palm .

"The Prayer for Queen Aasha's health will be held at evening , You all are mostly invited in it " Queen Anika said , her voice tough and stern with a little warmness , the crowd nodded before they start ranting slogan "Hail King Hail Queen" and  exiting from court room  .

As soon as the people of Kingdom left and the remaining Minister and royals left King Shivay ordered a gaurd to bring Queen Padma , It's been 6 month since she commited the crime and due to Queen Aasha's deteriorating health condition , this all was put aside but now it's time for the decision .
Queen Anika sat beside King Shivay tapping her finger against her forehead , last night he made clear that she is the one who will punish her for her deeds but she very well know that the death of Queen Padma will effect King Shivay too may be they didn't make physical relation once but emotional relation is something which is between him and Queen Padama like him and Queen Aasha .

The gaurds pulled out a lifeless lady out from cell before dragging her to court room , her face was pale , she was much more thin than before , her eye had dark circles beneath them and she was not looking more than a living corpse .
Everyone gasped once the gaurd dragged the lady who was once Queen inside the courtroom , King Shivay stare her blankly although there was many emotions which were ragging in his heart but his face was blank , He stepped back and let Queen Anika handle the situation , he decided that she will be the one who will punish her bcoz the one who got hurt and went through pain was her and Prince Rudra .

Queen Anika stare Queen Aasha without any emotions .

"Are you guilty for what you did in past Padma?" Her dominant tough and rough voice echoes in court room and lady Padma nodded her head looking down .

"I am guilty for what i did in past My highness , i was too lost in revenge and didn't realize that my revenge ended with King Omkara's death only , i m ready for any punîshment my highness " Her voice came out weak and polite , unlike the bitch she was once .

"I am glad you realized whatever you did was wrong " Queen Anika stated before taking a pause " But your attack on Prince Rudra can't be forgiven and As a Punishment you will be send away from Jhanshi at any village with a little sum money and aren't allowed to ever come close to Jhanshi border" Queen Anika declared and King Shivay look towards his wife , Wasn't she suppose to give her death punishment and Wasn't she the one who tell him to kill Queen Padma for what she did were tge questions which roamed in his mind but this punîshment to didn't seem simple one , it will be not easy for a lady who get everything on demand to live out there and earn for herself .

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