Ignîtîng Fîre

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Two maids whispered something to each other and smirked seeing Queen Aasha coming towards their direction with Prince Rudra , they once look upwards and a person showed them thumb and signed them to start.

"I just can't believe the goodness of Princess Anika , How can she be this much good that she is loving Prince Rudra like her own" One of them said and on mention of Prince Rudra and Princess Anika ,Aasha stopped in her way and paid attention to their talk ,they continued the drama of not seeing the Queen and continued talking .

"Ohh hello! It's not her goodness she is just trying to capture Prince Rudra in her motherly love and clear way of throne for her future Child because logically it's Prince Rudra right on throne after death of King Omkara but King Shivay take over the throne because Prince Rudra was one year old so logically throne of Jhanshi doesn't belong to King Shivay" Another maid said with a smirk as she notice worried and changing expression of Queen Aasha .

"There is nothing like that ,You are crazy ,why will Princess Anika will do this ? She isn't even that much involve in our Kingdom work " First maid spoke and second one smirked .

"Because now she is trying to capture and hypnotize King Shivay , She will take him under her spell first and then like King Omkara lost himself to Queen Padma he too is going to lost himself to Princess Anika and I don't even know why Queen Aasha is letting it happen I mean she is way more beautiful than that ugly Princess , she can give King Shivay child , and if not by choice then she should do it for the favour King Shivay did on her by marrying her " Aasha stare back of the maids as both of them was covering there face by their chunari.

"And I don't think King Shivay married her for just respect only he too have some need and expectations but both Queen failed to fulfill them and he ended up finding an ugly Princess for himself and tarnished name of Jhanshi's beauty Queens" they finally smiled evilly and start moving away from there . Aasha frowned as their each and every word encroached in her mind , she gripped Rudra's hand tightly making little boy winch and dragged him till her chamber .

"From now onwards you will not talk to Princess Anika ,Did you get it?" Queen Aasha shouted on Rudra and little prince stared his mother with tears before running away from there and yelling Chwoti Mwaa loudly .

"It's there work Aasha ,they were igniting fire in you and you too know King Shivay and Princess Anika , stop reacting like this" Queen Aasha whispered to her own self and start packing to and fro in her chamber.

"How dare you" The minister fell on floor with bleeding nose and Shivay growled angrily before putting his sword on Minister's neck "next time you will be dead before disrespecting future Queen of Jhanshi" His warning did some assault in Anika's heart and for the first time she felt her nerve not hypering on mention of Queen of Jhanshi , Feeling her presence Shivay raised his eyes and look towards entrance and there eyes met , he back stepped from his place and signed Minister to get back on his feet and Minister soon get back on his feet and bowed at front of Anika in respect .

"We should not fake thing gentleman" Every eyes in the chamber snapped towards Princess Anika including Shivay's pair of eyes "And there isn't any problem if you have doubt on me , and I believe we should not fake respect we should respect willingly not forcibly" Shivay's eyes softened as they took notice of her appearance , he found her beautiful and continued staring her for minutes before shifting his attention to his other Ministers.

"And if you all gentleman have doubt on me then you can test me , I am ready to clear your doubt" She smiled softly towards them but all they returned in response was an eye roll , Shivay clenched his fist as he saw them disrespecting her and was about to shout but before that one of Minister spoke "It's not kitchen house My milady , it will be better if you stay out from here because it's not place if lady" Anika's eyes darkened as she recalled same words from her past , she clenched her fist in anger which doesn't went unnoticed by Abhraam and King Shivay but she passed an another fake smile towards Ministers "Then you all are free to show me my place Gentleman , it's my promise if any of you will defeat me in anything you want , I will back down and never put my feet in this chamber again " They all laughed like she cracked any kind of joke  "But If I defeat you all then you all will have to stood at front of me on your knees and ask for appology for thinking women weak" they all whispered among themself and suddenly one of them spoke "Think once again Princess Anika because after today you will never propose a fight" the man smirked and Anika returned her devil Dominant smirk , the softness which was there before a minute vanished in thin air , she switched in her cruel warrior Princess mode and whispered to Abhraam to bring her sword .

"One by one or together?" She asked and they all stare her like she has grown horns on her head , Shivay smirked proudly and settled himself on his chair "remove map table from here and make a big circle" King Shivay ordered to one gaurd and they did , All minister look to and fro from King to Princess and then an elder one replied "One by one because we know you will not even defeat a single one" and they all burst in laughter , Abhraam returned back with a smile on his lips and passed Anika's sword to her .

One minister came under the circle and smirked evilly , forgetting his manners he pointed towards Anika from sword and signed her to join , his I'll behaviour angered her more and she chanted in her mind to not kill him , She get in the circle and before she can pull out her sword from sheath the minister attacked but she was quick to respond and doged that away , She attacked on her opponent like a cruel princess she is , their sword collided , she quickly pulled her sword back and attacked on him making him defend himself , and with a chance he attacked on her and the sword sliced her left arm , other Ministers including her opponent minister laughed , the opponent minister showed her tongue and in a second she sliced his tongue without cutting it off completely the minister winched as sword fell down from his hand , Anika kicked his chest from her feet and growled like an animal , anger radiated from her body and she kicked the minister out from circle

"Another one" she said and another minister get inside the circle , he attacked on her quickly and she defend herself perfectly and finally she threw him out from circle too with a big cut mark on his chest , her hand continued bleeding and without caring about her own self she defeated two more minister and seeing all this remaining bowed at front of her and surrendered , Anika forced her sword back on sheath and shout 

"On your knees , right now" .


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