《Vulnerable Kîng🖤》

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"I want to meet my daughter" King Aaditya voice broked in mid and King Shivay stare the king at front of him and nodded in acceptance.

"I promise to keep your daughter happy King Aaditya" King Shivay said politely but the unsurity in King Aaditya eyes doesn't help him but made him more eager "Your daughter will be my Queen" He said in gentle voice and King Aaditya nodded , words were not coming out from his mouth , he tried to speak but nothing came out , he shaked his head tiringly "Call her" he said and Shivay left the Chambber and ordered one of the troop to bring Princess Anika before he joined the king inside again .

The look on King Aaditya's face twitched something in his inside because it's first time he saw a king this much vulnerable although he himself is reason of King Aaditya's vulnerability because No one ever taught him to take No as answer as well .

"Your Queen want to come here and meet you both and I also sent message to Madhavgarh that I am going back to my kingdom with Princess" Shivay spoke and King Aaditya nodded .

"Pita Maharaj" Anika bowed at front of her father and stare King Shivay fiercely , A small smirk captured Shivay's face and his gentle aroma vanished in thin air before he made his way towards Princess with evil grin .

" This way MY 'WOULD BE QUEEN ' " He taunted Anika and placed his palm on her back making her gritt her teeth in anger "I am not your Queen , King" She spatted back and glared Shivay .

"Unfortunately You are Mine Princess , if you don't know then I will do the honour to tell you that I won the war princess and You are coming to Jhanshi with me tonight" he whispered in her ear softly with his idiotic smirk 

"Princess Anika" The king Aaditya spoke and a distanced look spread in Anika's face ,She respect her king , love her king but .... "Come close to me" He said and patted the place beside him for her to sit , Anika hesitated as she look unsure to sit beside her father , King Shivay observed the scenario silently and thought to give Father and Daughter some time alone ,without saying a word he left the Chambber and ordered his troops to guard King Aaditya's Chambber.

"Pita ... Maharaj" Anika shutter ,  the old habbit of her to get nervous around her father and mother when they behave like a parent instead of King and Queen, 

"I failed as a father" He spoke as tear threatened to fall from his eyes and his heart forced him to cry for his cowardness and blind love for his wife , At this moment when he felt that there isn't much time left for her daughter departure, his emotions and father love kicked his instincts telling him that he need to ask apology from his not so little one.

"Forgive me Princess" King Aaditya whispered and caresses his daughter's hair for the first time in past years , Queen Kala didn't even let him touch his daughter after 10 years when she completed her punishment with their daughter , At first king thought that may be the Queen is angry on him but after few months he realised that it's her anger , agony and fire of revenge in which their own daughter is burning , The king tried to talk but Queen made him remember his Promise , She denied to have another child .

Till now, not even a single word came out from Anika's mouth she stare her father and smiled before downcasting her eyes as she prepare herself to spoke"It was my pleasure Pita Maharaj and it's my fortune that I am your child,You fulfilled your responsibility as father ,it's me who failed as a daughter  , I failed to bring Kuraam king at my mother feet , I failed father" She spoke in defeated tone and King shaked his head negatively. 

"No Princess, I don't want you to go for Kuraam anymore , I want you to be a Good Queen of Jhanshi and Good wife of KING Shivay " He spoke but he itself didn't believed that this word came out from his mouth as much as he is angry on king Shivay he can't help but feel that King Shivay is perfect for his daughter ,It's been only three days but he saw many shades of King Shivay .

"Not before winning Kuraam father" She spoke stubbornly and King Aaditya sighed .

"You are not princess anymore amore (love) ,You are going to be Queen cara" he spoke gently in defeated tone as he know how stubborn his daughter can be "I will go for Kuraam" he said .

"It's the reason i born Pita Maharaj and I will not let anyone snatch the aim of my birth " She spoke and The King went numb as it's first time he saw the calmness of storm in his daughter , he felt the vemon and hatred in her .

The person outside of the Chambber stood on place teary eyes ,The guilt hitted the lady like bitch as she realised that she destroyed the one she supposed to keep safe.

"Pita Maharaj" She bowed at front of him before leaving the Chambber ,The lady quickly Hidded herself and gained courage for facing anger and hatred of love of her life.


Princess Anika paced to and fro in her room like a pendulum , The maid look back and forth their princess and finally Princess spoke "I want you to send my message to King Shivay that I want to meet him in my Chambber" she said and the maids eyes widened ,it's sound weird coming out from mouth of their princess that she want presence of King She hates most at this moment .

"You Sure Princess?" Maid Sara asked and Anika glared her , The maid ran out from her Chambber and stood at front of King's Chambber . 

"My Majesty" Troop bowed at front of his King  "Maid of Princess want to meet you" he said .

"Send her inside" King Shivay said .

"My lord" Maid bowed and Shivay nodded in acknowledgement "Princess want you in her Chambber" she said .

"Tell Princess , i will be there " He spoke in his rigid tone .

Few minutes passed and FINALLY Shivay left the map of his next target and made his way towards Princess Chambber. He went inside and saw princess sitting on her bed , deep in her thoughts, Her facial expression was enough for him to know the inner turmoil inside her head

"Princess"  he spoke and her expressions changed , once again she looked like the stone hearted and emotionless Princess. 

"Come inside KING Shivay" She stood on her place and waited for King to enter , Shivay raised his brows and waited for her to speak.

"I will marry you King Shivay" She said and Shivay's eyes widened in shock "But in exchange I want you to allow me to start War against Kuraam and After winning Kuraam , I will marry you" Her voice was slow and little unsure , Shivay stare her for a minute thinking about the words she spoke .

"Anything else you want My Queen" he asked and smirked seeing her face turning red in anger on listening My Queen .

"Nothing else , King Shivay" She replied and stare straight in his eyes , their eyes met and Shivay inched a step close to her and placed his palm over her cheeks .

"But we are still leaving for Jhanshi tomorrow and Kuraam is close to Jhanshi so it will be easy to attack" He said but instead of his regular tone he used his soft tone , Anika stare his face thinking how come this monster agreed to her and what come in her mind that she asked him to allow her .


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