Oh? 2/2

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Walking into her Aunt's office Y/N once again put on a role. "Hi Aunt Siobhan. Can I go round Jenny's house tonight?" smiling innocently Y/N continued this time running her fingers delicately over the looming statue of Our Lord and Saviour Christ "It's just I'm so behind on the work and you know Jenny always happy to help." Absentmindedly Sister Michael nodded still reading a letter of complaint from one of the 1st years parents before discarding it in the bin.

"Hold on! Did you say Jenny." Sister Michael may not be Sherlock Holmes but she was by not means stupid. "Jenny Joyce is an annoying little toe rag. Why in any right mind would you want to willingly spend time with her?" Pulling up a seat Y/N pulled at a tread in her itchy jumper. "She's not annoying Auntie just eager" Shaking her head in response the Nun glared at the girl across from her. "Let me rephrase that what do you really want young lady." Michael had what Y/N like to call a polygraph glare. You know the one an adult uses to see if you're lying or not. Well fortunately for Y/N over the years she has been perfecting her actions in response to this. "Your parent's left you in my care.." the woman started but to be honest with you Y/N wasn't listening to a word she said. "I've learnt my lesson. I wouldn't be here if I hadn't." sighing Y/N fixed her hair "I made a mistake Auntie and the good Lord has forgiven me." Well if this didn't work maybe the next level will. "Seamus Murphy took advantage of me, you know I'd never of done that especially with a Protestant boy." Sighing in defeat Michael nodded "Fine but if i hear you even stepped a toe out of line..." Shaking her head dramatically Y/N thanked her Aunt before going to her Drama lesson or something else stupid like that.

With the school day over Y/N could finally breathe, the short walk to the bus stop proved to be a benefit as it meant she could get to know Michelle's friends a bit more. Getting off at their stop Y/N made sure everyone knew the plans for tonight "Well I'll meet you by the shop okay." Y/N started explaining to the group. "Oh and no offence but there will be a dress code. If you've worn it is the past 9 months burn it! We're not going to be served if you look like you're 12 okay." Y/N once again kissed them on the cheeks goodbye before skipping of in the direction of her aunt's house. Dusk had settled over Derry and bored from waiting Y/N visited Dennis' little shop. The shop nor its owner was welcoming but it sold just the right stuff to get shitfaced. "ID please" Dennis asked in a bland tone his dry cracked hand lingering. Sighing Y/N rolled her eyes before adjusting her top and pouting "I'm sorry I don't seem to have it on me." fluttering her eyelashes before giggling in an attempt to get him to lower his guard. "No ID not sale." Dennis muttered. Scoffing angrily Y/N raised an eyebrow "Does this" she signalled up and down "look like the body of a child fuckface." frustration building. Suddenly an arm reached over her ID in its hand.

Walking out Y/N huffed she seemed to be doing that a lot lately maybe it was her or maybe it was this stupid place. "You're welcome." the stranger said handing her the bag of cheap vodka and some other harsh spirits. "I didn't need your help. I was perfectly fine on my own!" Nodding in faux belief the stranger pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He had fluffy black hair that sat just so on his head and wore a worn but well loved red flannel. "Aha sorry you totally looked like you had that covered." breathing out a cloud of smoke filled the silent night "I'm David and I don't think I know you?" the man was older clearly but not by much, even if he was mature he still dressed like he'd picked the first clean items of his bedroom floor. Opening the vodka and downing some Y/N nodded in greeting. "Do i get to know you?" David questioned sarcastically reaching over to take some of the alcohol. Before the girl could argue David justified himself "Call it a collectors fee." Sighing Y/N shook her head. "Maybe the girl doesn't want to be known." Smirking David raised an eyebrow "Mysterious huh, well princess it won't stay like that for very long."

Erin gushed about every detail she knew about Y/N talking about the girl like the others hadn't met her at school themselves. "And she's from Dublin so she's probably like so cool and free." turning the corner Michelle groaned. "I think she looks nice." James added with a blush surfacing on his pale cheeks. "She doesn't like you dick for brains." Clare remanded quiet, she was always nervous when she lied about where she was or what she was doing. It was the sound of hushing and giggling that caught their attention and a moan that caught their curiosity.

"What -what's going on??" Erin gasped genuine tears filling her eyes at the sight that greeted them. "Shit!" Y/N pushed David away hurriedly and quickly fixed her clothes. The tension was palpable and no one seemed to know what to say. Wincing Y/N closed her eyes for a second

 "This is the guy isn't it..."

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