David Donnelly #4

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A/N I may or may not have like the request so much I did a David Donnelly version because Anthony Boyle is life he's just gorgeous x

God her Mother was going to kill her! Sighing Y/N glared at her reflection in the mirror. Her usually vomit inducing bottle green uniform for once in its life was useful, the baggy hand me down jumper covering herself like a cloak of invisibility. It made her feel safe. "Y/N hurry up please don't want you to be late!" Mary called up the stairs to the eldest Quinn daughter. Running down the stairs Y/N grabbed her bag before running out the house not bothering to say goodbye to her Mam or Grandpa Joe, something she seemed to do a lot recently. Tutting Mary proceeded to go back to telling Erin off for not wearing her blazer before sending her on her way. "Eh wait up!" Erin screamed sprinting after the older girl. Finally reaching her sister Erin wheezed her breath trying to catch up. "What's wrong with you lately?" the blonde interrogated both confused and intrigued. Shrugging off her sister pandering Y/N scowled stopping dead in her tracks. Spinning to face her younger sister Y/N continued to glare. "1. It has NOTHING to do with you 2. Do you really think I'd tell you you'd just go snitch and 3. I'm dealing with it okay so just butt out of it!!" jabbing Erin had in the shoulder with each point. "Just leave me alone OK!" The y/h/c girl growled before storming off. "What was that about?" Clare asked joining Erin who was still standing in shock at her sister's outburst. Shrugging it off, Erin continued walking to the bus stop with Orla and Clare in tow, the second of which was still complaining about refusing to be an individual by herself.

Reaching the shop Y/N clocked the one person she wanted to speak to David Donnelly. Grabbing his flannel cover arm in a vice like grip the shorter girl dragged him away from the collecting students. "Hey hey hey." David stated surprised at the disturbance. "What's wrong?" He asked softly cupping the girl's face gently the pads of his fingers wiping away the now flowing tears. Shaking her head wildly, Y/N began hyperventilating, hushing her David hugged her tightly. "Alright deep breaths and let's start from the beginning okay?" Nodding the y/h/c girl took a deep breath before rooting through her bag looking for something in particular. Once her fingers found the item she thrusted it towards the older boy. Glancing down David panicked "It's not the first one to say that." she whispered, not able to look him in the eyes. Slowing nodding his head still trying to wrap his brain round the life changing news. Catching her y/e/c eyes David smiled awkwardly "What are you going to do?". Sighing Y/N was silent for a minute "I'm not going to England if that's what you're worrying about, that's even if you care."

Without missing a beat David kissed her. Not a small peck either no one of those I would die for you kind of kisses. One that melts away everyone else so it's just you two. Resting his forehead against hers David smiled again but genuinely this time. "Good, I don't want you to, I want you here with me." Chuckling at his statement Y/N sighed "What about your family? Never mind about mine, my ma will kill me." Scoffing David shrugged "Who cares?! if they don't like it I don't care we'll be having our own family." Smiling the younger girl nodded blushing suddenly feeling like a weight had been lifted off her even if it was just for a bit. "You know I love you right?" David asked looking deep into her y/e/c eyes. "I know I love you too." Resting his hand on her slightly swollen stomach covered by the oversized apparel. Too into their own world the oldest Quinn and David alike failed to notice their small moment had been caught by one person in particular. Erin Quinn.

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