Adrien's Revelation

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Luka's POV

"Hey big brother. I see you walked with Mari today. That was cute." I hear Juleka's voice from behind me as I was make my way to the lunch room.

"Oh I saw that too! Are you and Marinette dating!? That would be soooooooooooooo cute! You guys look so perfect together!" Turning around I see Rose spin in a circle around Jules as she gushed on about Marinette and myself. I can't help but chuckle at my sisters friend as she clings on to Juleka's arm.

"Hey Jules. Rose. And no we aren't dating....I would love to date Marinette, but I'm waiting on her to be ready." I'm not shy of speaking my feelings....especially about Marinette. If everyone knew about my feelings for her, then that would be great." Juleka chuckles at me while Rose begins to jump around clapping, "Does Mari know how you feel? She deserves to happy and so do you!" Rose jumps on to my sister, not taking her eyes off of me. "Yes Rose. She knows. And actually....I asked her on a date this morning and she said yes. Our date is after" I notice Adrien walk by as I explain what my plans out with Marinette today. Strange, I feel this strong desire to speak up and go into more detail about Mari and I so he can hear me. But that's not right, yet he did have his chance and he blew it and broke her heart. Which I entirely haven't forgiven him, though I wonder if he really didn't know how she truly felt or if he really is dense in that area, but if he was then he wouldn't be with Kagami.

"Dude. Did I just hear you say you asked Marinette on a date?" Pulling me from my thoughts I hear a guy ask from behind me, turning around I am met by Nino and Adrien. "Oh hey Nino. Adrien. Yeah I asked her out on a date last night and thankfully she said yes." It seems like Nino was excited and happy for me but he also looked at Adrien with concern in his eyes but quickly looks away from him before Adrien realized the exchanged. "That's awesome dude! I didn't know you had a thing for her. Or are you guys just going out as friends?" That term 'just friends' was that a shot at Adrien since he would always say that to Marinette? Looks like it is because Adrien shot a look at the both of us waiting for my answer.

"Well, I really like Marinette. More than a friend. She is an amazing, wonderful, sweet, and beautiful girl. And I asked her out with the intention of it being a real date. I wont make the mistake on messing things up with a girl like her." The last line was for you Adrien. I look at him as I say it and he seemed to have picked up on it because his eye twitched a bit before he looked away. "Duuuude. Well she deserves someone that will make her happy. Don't break her heart got it? Or you'll have me, Alya, and Adrien to deal with. Huh." Nino elbows Adrien on the side of the ribs causing him to jump a bit. "Yeah. What he said. Hey....I'm gonna grab some food, see you guys later."

Nino looks over at his best friend and waves to us before following him to the lunch line. "Wow. I've never seen Adrien look like that before." I turn to Jules, watching her take a seat at an empty table next to us. "You don't think he's jealous, do you Luka?" Rose lowers herself into the seat next to my sister as she waited for me to take my seat across from them. "Honestly. There is a chance that he's starting to realize his true feelings for Marinette." Resting my chin on my hand and propping my elbow to support this action, I look over at Adrien who seems to be sulking and watching Marinette as she walks by. My sweet little melody isn't even giving him the time of day anymore. Does that mean she's opening up to me? Hopefully, she picks me. If Agreste has a revelation about her and he confesses, I pray that she picks me. If she doesn't I just pray that she is treated like the princess she is.

Adrien's POV

"Well, I really like Marinette. More than a friend. She is an amazing, wonderful, sweet, and beautiful girl. And I asked her out with the intention of it being a real date. I wont make the mistake on messing things up with a girl like her." He's complimenting Marinette so why am I getting upset? She is an amazing, wonderful, and very beautiful girl....but the fact that he said he likes her more than a friend is really bugging me.

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