Chapter 1: Nirvana Zenalds

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"Whoop! Whoop!" I cheer as I put my hand over the sizzling coals.


I had been looking forward to this for all my life and finally it's here.

No more of my brother holding it against me that I'm not a true dauntless yet. Now, I can go home and rub it in his face that I, Nirvana Angelica Zenalds, am Dauntless.

The choosing ceremony ends sometime after me, they go in alphabetical order and most last names don't have a Z. After the ceremony, all dauntless starts running. With the exception of the transfers who take a while to finally get what's going on.

My pale blue hair flies behind me as my feet stomps on the ground. And I can't help but jump on the railing for the stairs and start to slide down. Soon, we are outside, still running and the other factions as they quickly try to pass. One isn't too lucky though, as I smack straight into a boy that wears yellow red. We both fall on the pavement.

"Get up!" I say and pull him up so he doesn't get trampled.

"Thank you." The Amity starts, but I soon continue running toward the train.

I jump in, and watch as some transfers stand there and look around confused at their new surroundings. 

"We're supposed to jump on that thing?" An Erudite boy asks as I jump onto the moving train car.

"Good thing you chose Dauntless cause God knows you won't survive in Erudite with a stupid question like that, " A voice behind me says. I recognize this voice as my older brother, Adam. I hesitantly turned around, already knowing that I was going to be lightly scolded. 

"It's nice to see you waited for us before you started running." Pops says raising an eyebrow crossing his arms.

"I didn't know you were serious when you told me to this morning," I say chuckling lightly.

"Do you know how many deaths are caused by our trains?" He says sternly. I look over my father's shoulder to silently ask Adam for help, but he seems to be agreeing with Pops.

"Look," I say resting my hands on his shoulders. "I'm a big girl Pops, I can handle myself pretty okay." 

He gives me an unconvinced look.

"It's Adam you should be worried about. Who knows what he does when no one's looking," I state.

"Thanks for being such a sellout," Adam says glaring at me. He quickly jumps out of the train at the sight of my dad's look at him.

"Great, now I have to go chase down your brother," He kisses the  top of my and jumps off after my brother. 

Turning my head, I feel the wind smack my face. I can see the compound from here and start to fidget with my locket. In my locket, was a video of my dead mother singing. I sometimes open it, but most of the time I don't have the strength.

Like now. What would my mom say when she sees I've chosen to stay at my home faction? Would she be proud? Of course she would, I mean I hope.

We soon arrive at the compound and the train slows down but doesn't stop. I leap off and land swiftly on my feet, gravel crunching under it as I do.

"Listen up! My name is Max! I am one of the leaders of your new faction! Several stories below us is the members' entrance to our compound. If you can't muster the will to jump off, you don't belong here. Our transfers have the privilege of going first." Max yells standing on the edge of the roof casually.

I knew Max, as I knew pretty much half the compound. My dad introduced me, and he sometimes hung out with my dad for a 'guys night in'. We had a couple of conversations that didn't consist of how much trouble I caused.

I caused lots of trouble in school when I was younger; I pulled pranks on teachers. These conversations involved things like, 'That was very rude' and 'I'm very disappointed'. But they always ended with something like a congrats on a funny prank and a fist bump.

That's how I was well known in Dauntless, for my pranks. If you were good at playing pranks in this faction, you got respected here. But my pranking days were as good as dead, I kind of out grew it. 

No transfer looks like they're willing to jump at this point.

"Ok, since no one is willing to jump off how about..." Max scans the crowd and his eyes settle on me. "Vana, come here and show them how it's done." He says smirking.

I walk silently through the crowd, scooping my hair into a sloppy ponytail. When I reach the edge, I twist myself into a backflip and let myself fall down the hole. 

Air whistles in my ear and I smile.

This is who I am. I'm dauntless.

I land on the net, hard. So hard I bounce up and land back down.

Hands shoot up to try and help me down but I don't take any of them and jump off.

Four stands there to greet me.

"What, no transfer?" He says looking up.

"All the transfers were too pussy to jump, so Max sent me as an example of dauntless." I explain.

"Sure picked the right person then." He says lifting an eyebrow.

"I know right." I say cockily, brushing fake dust off my shoulder.

He starts to announce the first jumper but I cut him off.

"May I ?" I ask him.

"Go ahead."

I cup my mouth with my hands and scream, "First jumper Vana!"

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